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AI 株価予測 20210430の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210430 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210430の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210430 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210430]Forecast for this time

変化なし No Change

[前回予測20210423Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

現状、日足ベースでは若干の戻りにあるとはいえ、週足、月足での予測は下向き。日足は570.4で、週足は558で、月足は403で更新される。特に月足の更新がもしあれば、大チャンス到来。Although daily looks recovering a bit, weekly and monthly are still on downtrend. Three line break will be revised at 570.4 for daily, 558 for weekly and 403 for monthly. If monthly break really happens, it will be a big chance. 

方向性が定まらない動きが続く。Continuing disoriented move. 

市場全体は調整局面。Market as a whole is on downtrend. 

ワクチンは副作用が重く接種しない人も多い様子だ。決算の季節となり、JRの巨額赤字など、ロックダウンの影響が明確になってきた。今後、回復基調にあると仮定すれば、優良会社の赤字決算は買いだろう。Looks vaccines have serious side effects hence making less people to have shot. Now is the time for financial results showing the real damage from lockdown, such as huge deficits of JR(Japan Railway). Assuming the economy on recovering trend, deficits for excellent companies are 'buy'.  

コロナ後、人の移動、不動産など、コロナ前には戻らないと考える人も多い。しかし、現状のIT技術の進展度から考えて、実際のところ、直ちに全ての会社がリモートになり、都心の不動産がガラ空きになるような極端な状態にはならないだろう。Many think that after-Covid-19 will be very much different for people's traffic, real estates etc. However, considering the current state of IT development, things will not go that extremes such as total transition to remote work or massive vacant real estates at city centers. 

300万人を超える犠牲者が出たのは悲惨なことだ。今回のコロナは様々なことを考えさせる非常に重要な機会になった。人類は経験からしか学べないようだから。It is tragic to see death over 3mn.  Covid-19 became a very important opportunity that let us reconsider many things. Looks human kind can learn only from experience.