
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (258) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) economics (42) AI (41) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 20210521の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210521 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20210521の状況8306MUFG 

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210521 Status 8306MUFG

先週の続伸予測通り上昇した。今週の予測は、新値の更新まで大きくはないようだが、下落方向。ビットコインの暴落がニュースになっている。やはり根本的な問題は避けて通れないのだろうか。MUFG advanced as AI forecasted last week. The forecast of this week is down although it will not be a big one reaching down to new line break revision. Bit coin crush is on news. Looks it is difficult to get away from fundamental problems

[今回予測20210521]Forecast update for this time

[前回予測20210514Previous forecast

NY市場はまだ上昇基調。NY market looks on uptrend still. 

月次の新値更新は下向きにはもうありえないかもしれない。Monthly 3LB revision downward looks not possible for now. 

窓を開けての上昇は、しっかり窓閉めをした。Uptrend with window was properly shut down close to end of week. 

Topixは下降レンジにハマっている。Topix looks trapped to down range trend. 

コロナ変異株、ワクチン脅威説が叫ばれている。感染者はピークアウトした感じもある。とんでもないことが無い限り、コロナは終息に向かうだろう。インドもイベルメクチンを再開してから新規感染者は急落した。日本もイベルメクチンのような治療薬を緊急承認する議員立法の審議が開始する。People are yelling for Covid-19 variant as well as fear of vaccine. New infection looks gone over the peak. Covid-19 pandemic will head toward the end unless there is big unexpected event. India's infection dropped sharp after they resumed Ivermectin. Japan legislature is going to examine newly proposed law to allow quick approval of cure medicines, such as Ivermectin, at the time of pandemic.