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下降レンジトレード20210726 Downward Range Trade20210726 


Downward Range Trade20210726 


AI予測で短期的なボトムのサインが出たので、短期トレードとして、下降レンジの最後の白〇あたりで決めた額の1/3を昨日購入。レンジの上限(黄色)に来た場合、一旦売却予定。Upon AI forecast indicating short term bottom showed earlier, as a short term trade, I bought 1/3 of temporal trading amount around the last circle(in white) in the down range trend.  If it goes up to the upper range(in yellow), will sell and close the position for a mean time. 

NYダウ先物はほぼ変わらず。No significant change on NY Dow Future. 

もし、下抜けた場合は、次のAIの反転予測を待って、新値の本数も数えて、残りを徐々に投入する予定。If it breaks downward, wait for AI to indicate next timing for rebound, by counting the number of 3LB, I will gradually put in the rest 2/3. 


その後、週末を経て、翌週、レンジの上限まで到達、売却した。Later, after the long weekend, reached up to the upper range, hence sold. 

AIサインが来るのを待とう。Let's wait for another AI single to come then.