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塾と自習 Cram School vs Self Study


Cram School vs Self Study

日本は塾天国。小学校受験、中学校受験、高校受験、大学受験。それぞれに試験準備のための塾がある。Japan is prep school heaven. For elementary school, for junior high school, for high school and for university.  For each, we have prep school for entrance examination. 

塾に通うと、生徒は塾のテキストを使って、学校と同様の形式の授業を受ける。Each prep school has their own textbooks and students take classroom style lectures just like public schools.

塾には通わない場合、自宅での自習で試験準備を行う。Of course, no need to go prep school to prepare for the entrance examination. There is always an option to study at home. 

塾は、合格率を競うため、優秀な生徒を集める。優秀な生徒は自ら勉強するため、自然と合格率は上がる。Prep schools invite lots of superior students to complete for passing rate among prep schools. Superior students automatically study hard hence passing rate increases as prep schools have more superior students. 

合格率を見て、勉強しない子供の親は、子供をその塾へ送る。ただ、殆どの場合、成果が出ない。Looking at the passing rate of the prep school, parents decide which prep school to send their lazy kids hesitant to study on their own. 

着席講義式の塾へ行くことの最大の弊害は、「やった気」になってしまうことだ。The biggest problem of going to classroom lecture style prep school is that, students will end up feeling as if they really achieved something just by attending the classroom.

受験に「塾だけが知る秘密の方法」などない。有名講師の講義をいくら聞いても、合格には程遠い。There is no magic for preparation of examination. How long time students listen to the lecture of famous lecturer, they are far from passing the exam. 

ではどうすれば良いのか。Then what should be done? 

真実は、The reality is, 

「自分の手を実際にどのくらい動かして問題を解いたかが全て」All matters is how you actually used your hands to solve problems on your own.


理系なら、各科目ごと、次の戦略。For science measure, take following strategy for each subjects. 

英語は、英検1級取得。その後、過去問。For English, take Eiken class-1. Then solve historical exam problems.

数学は、「サクシード」などを3-4回まわす。その後、受験レベルの問題集を3回まわし、最後に過去問。For math, solve 'SUCEED' for 3-4 times. Then solve higher level exercise book for 3 times, then go for historical exam problems.

物理・化学は、「セミナー」などを3-4回まわす。その後、受験レベルの問題集を3回まわし、最後に過去問。For Physics and Chemistry, solve 'SEMINAR' for 3-4 times. After that, solve higher level exercise book for 3 times. Finally go for historical exam problems. 

国語は、過去問をやる。For Japanese, solve historical exam problems. 

倫理社会は試験3カ月前から問題集を2-3回まわす。For ethics and social studies, solve exercise book for 2-3 times before the actual examination date. 

いずれも、問題集は、Nevertheless, each exercise books needs to be repeated until, 

「問題を見た瞬間に答案を書き始められるレベル」you can start writing solution as soon as you see the problem.


Youtubeには、各種の映像授業、受験指南があふれる。Yourube has ton's of lectures and how-to's for passing entrance examination. 

もう、塾へ行く理由はなにもない。No need to go prep school anymore.