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TCF317修理メモ TCF317 Repair Note


TCF317 Repair Note

TOTOのTCF317の洗浄水流が激減。TOTO's TCF317 Washlet suddenly lost wash water pressure. 

早速、googleで検索。1st thing 1st. I checked on Google search.

読むと、ノズルのソレノイド結線の破断が原因のよう。As I read, it looks solenoid power cable rupture is the cause. 

さっそく開けてみると、全く同じ現象。I opened the cover and situation was identical.

根元に近いところで破断しており、半田に神経を使う。The rupture is near the start of the cable, hence needed to pay extra care on welding.

可動部にも拘わらず、配線の遊びが少ないことも判明。配線保持経路を修正して遊びを増やす。 I also found out that cable length has short margin for moving part.  I rearranged the cabling path to have longer margin. 

動作チェックし、修復完了。 I checked the movement after fixing. Repair completed.