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異次元すぎる少子化対策 Too Drastic Paradigm Change of Anti Population Reduction


Too Drastic Paradigm Change of Anti Population Reduction 

少子化が止まらない。衝撃的な日本の人口減少を描いた「未来の年表」は現実だ。Population reduction does not stop. 'Future Time Table' described shocking population reduction in Japan in future. 

政府案は子育て支援額増額に留まるだろうが、「本当の異次元少子化対策」とはなんだろう。Government plan will be only the increase of subsidies however, what can be the real anti-population-reduction-measure? 

今現在から見ると「異次元過ぎる」案を一つだけ語ってみる。I will put one plan here that may look too drastic from current Japanese society.

まず、国民の子育ては社会が行うものと憲法改正。1st, declare in the constitution that kid is brought up by society but not by individual citizens. 

子供が生まれた場合、両親は、扶養「義務」の代わりに扶養「権利」を取得。When kids are born, parents will obtain right to bring up kid but there is no obligation to do so. 

両親に特別な問題がない限り、扶養「権利」は基本的に認められる。As long as parents have no issues, the right will be endowed. 

両親が子供を扶養することが困難と考えた場合は、扶養「権利」を申請しない。If parents have difficulties to bring up kids, they will not request for right to do so. 

扶養「権利」は基本出生した両親に第一優先順位があるが、両親が「権利」を取得しない場合、その権利は意思のある第三者に永久的に無償譲渡。現状の養子に相当。The right to bring up kids rests with the parent who gave birth the kids however, if the parents do not request for the right to bring up the kids, the right will be transferred to 3rd party who has will to do so for free. This corresponds to current adoption. 

誰も生まれてきた子供の扶養「権利」を取得しない場合、子供は各種の認可された養護施設で育てられる。If no one asked for the right to bring up the kids, they will be brought up in many kinds of kid's homes approved by government.

扶養「権利」を取得したものが諸事情により扶養が困難になった場合、権利を放棄することができる。この場合、子供は国家認定の児童養護施設による扶養に移管。If those who got right to bring up kids fell into difficulties to do so, they can claim to discard their right. If that happens, kids will be transferred to kid's home approved by government.

現在、有志の児童養護施設があるが、これらの施設が激増し、また、莫大な養育費が支給される。Currently there are lots of private kid's home already but the number of homes will increase drastically backed by tremendous amount of government funds.

これら養護施設は現状とは全く異なるハイグレードのものとなる。Such kid's home will be high grade facilities totally different from current status.

また、子育て費用は、全額公費化。扶養「権利」を取得した夫婦には、子育て費用の全額が支給される。All costs to bring up kids will be paid by government. Those who obtained right to bring up kids will be funded in full by government for all costs to do so.

以上の施策により、少子化の最大の問題である、経済的問題が解消。Above measure will clear the biggest obstacle to stop population reduction, i.e., economic problem.

仕事との両立のための養護施設も充実させることは言うまでもない。No need to mention on the enhancement of nursery school to backup work life balancing during child rearing.