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アドセンス不快広告除去法 Removing Annoying Ads from AdSense


Removing Annoying Ads from AdSense

アドセンスに出てくる、アー!という内容の広告。自分のサイトには出て欲しくないよなー。There are these annoying "OMG!" ads that appear on AdSense. I really don't want them to show up on my site.

当初、一つ一つ、アドセンス設定の広告毎管理で消していたが、イタチごっこ。At first, I was removing them one by one through the AdSense settings, managing each ad individually, but it felt like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole.

ググってみると、同様の悩みの人は多く、アドセンスのURL別、ジャンル別で除去できることを知った。After some Googling, I found that many people had similar concerns and discovered that you can block ads by URL or category in AdSense.

さっそくやってみると、不快広告はバッチリ消滅!I tried it right away, and the annoying ads disappeared perfectly!

探してみるものだ。It pays to look into things.