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コロナのルールが変わる Corona Gamechanger Is Coming


Corona Gamechanger Is Coming

今米国で、Zelenko医師が開発したコロナ処方、ヒドロキシクロロキンと亜鉛の混合法(Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Zinc sulfate)が注目されている。亜鉛をヒドロキシクロロキンの助けを借りて細胞内に運ばせ、アビガン(favipiravir)の様に、ウイルスのRNA複製を阻害する仕組みだ。適用外処方だが、すべて既存薬なので、薬価は一人当たり$20程度で済む。Currently US is focusing on new Corona formula, Hydroxychloroquine cocktail (Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Zinc sulfate) developed by Dr.Zelenko. Hydroxychloroquine takes Zinc inside cells to stop RNA reproduction for Corona Virus to multiply. It is off-label use but are all generic hence cost only $20 per patient.

400人のハイリスク患者を治療し、2人の死者しか出さなかったということだ。重症化して、人工呼吸器となる前に早期に投薬する。400 high risk group patients were tested by Dr.Zelenko with only two death. His style is to stop Corona before getting to  serious stage that needs ventilator. 

現在、いくつかの病院と大規模な治験を進めており、来週にも医療論文DB(Jama)に投稿するようで、この治療法がFDAに承認されれば、コロナは普通のインフルエンザとなり、封鎖解除の前提条件が整う。世界各国も同様の流れに向かうだろう。Currently large scale clinical trials is underway by several hospitals and medical DB(Jama) submission may come soon next week.  If this remedy is approved by FDA, Corona will be just another Influenza, and this will be the prerequisite for lock-down termination. Countries around the world will follow the same. 

Zelenko医師は3月中旬に劇的な有効性に驚愕し、トランプに連絡、日次記者会見での発表となった。共和党は大喜びしたが、トランプの11月の再選を阻止したい勢力が全力で潰しにかかったのは悲劇としか言いようがない。Zelenko医師はめげずに多くの病院に働きかけ治験を進めてきたが、既に多くの死者が出てしまった現状では遅きに失した感がある。医療関係機関への多額の献金を行うコロナ治療薬を開発中の製薬会社の影響も大きいようだ。$20でコロナが治るとなると開発意欲も削がれる。Dr.Zelenko was astonished by the drastic effectiveness in mid Mar, then immediately reported Trump, who then announced the chance at daily press conference at the while house. Republicans became jubilant, but it was really a tragedy that all anti Trump powers did all means to dump Dr.Zelenko's remedy as useless.  Dr.Zelenko, nontheless worked with other hospitals for clinical trials however, it looks a bit late since US already got huge number of death toll piled up. The influence from pharmaceutical industries, making big monetary contribution to medical institutions, looks big also. If remedies can be provided by only $20 to cure Corona, incentives to develop new medicine will go extinct.

Zelenko医師も言っている。平時では治験は重要なステップだ。しかし、何千もの人が死んでいく前線では時間が勝負だ。兵器の動作確認を何カ月も行っていては戦いに負けてしまう。同様に、効きそうな薬は素早く展開していかないと人類はコロナに勝てない。Also as Dr.Zelenko said, I believe clinical testing is an important step to take in peace time. However when thousands of people are dying at front line, time is important. If we spend months to develop weapons, we will lose the war. Same way, whatever looks-promising remedy we have, unless we cascade them to the world, human being cannot get over Corona. 

日本でも、アビガンの治験完了はなんと、6月末だ。感染爆発は目前で時間は無い。同様の問題は日本だけでなく、イタリア、スペイン、フランスにもあった。結果は目を覆う惨状だ。Japan's end of clinical testing on Avigan is amazingly late, end of June. We have no time and is right before the infection explosion. There exist similar  problems not just in Japan but also in Italy, Spain and France, where end results were just devastating as all observed. 

今回のコロナで人類が学ぶべきは、非常時のリーダーシップと頭の切り替えの重要性だ。What we need to learn from this Corona, is the importance of leadership, and the flexibility way of thinking.