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AI 株価予測 20200731 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200731 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20200731 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200731

 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200722Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

驚異的だったのは、以前触れた、月足の予測が当たったことである。ボトムからの中間反騰局面中、何回流しても月足は下落となるのが気になると書いたが、これが本当となった。Surprising was the monthly forecast done previous that became real. I touched on this down break forecast earlier looked puzzled while it was in the middle of rebound rally from the bottom. That time I run many times but the prediction did not change much.

ただ、次の月足予測はしかし、必ずしも下落とならず、これからの下落はあまり確定的でないようだ。(と思ったが、その後、8月7日に何度か走らせたところ、100%下落になった。チャート的にはまだ下落は続きそうだ。)However, for the next month forecast looks not so solid since result change as I run several times. (thought that way that time however, I run this many times on Aug 7th and found out that it goes down 100%. Looks down trend will keep going from chart perspective.)

400ラインはあっさり割り、今週は週足、日足とも新値更新となる可能性がある。配当利回りは6%を超えてきたが、コロナの混乱が続けば、配当見直しも視野に入ってきたと言えるだろう。Price broke 400 line easily, and this week, both weekly and daily may challenge three line break. Dividend yield is now going over 6% however, facing continuation of confusion of Covid-19, downward revision of dividend may come.

市場全体は反騰が崩れそうな様子だ。レンジで収まるかは今後のコロナの被害状況によるだろう。The whole market looks almost collapsing of middle rally. It is up to the Covid-19 again whether this downtrend will stop within the range.

コロナは経済再開の流れで急激に拡大している。感染者として認知されているのは、検査を行った人を対象としているため、実際の感染者は不明だ。ただ、重症者数、死亡者数ともさほど増加していない。医療崩壊により時間差で増えていくのかが注目される。Covid-19 is expanding as economy is reopened. The infection number is only for the people examined, hence real infection number is not known. Good news so far is small increase of number of serious conditions and death. Need to watch if this is simply due to time delay together with capacity over of hospitals.