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AI 株価予測 20200821 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200821 Status 8306MUFG


 AI 株価予測 20200821 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200821
 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200814Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

新値は更新せず、よって予測に変化はない。下降トレンドで跳ね返されたまま1週間を終えた。No change on 3LB figures hence no change on forecast.  It was kicked back down at down-trend resistance line, then stayed within the down-trend range for the whole week.

市場は天井圏で推移している。The market as a whole showed small setback.

日本と同様、世界全体でも感染のピークは過ぎたとの認識が広がりつつある。それに向けて経済再開の動きが出てきている。下は東京の感染者の推移である。Same as Japan, world now started to recognize the Covid-19 status as peak out. Toward that trend, reopening of economy is moving slowly. Below is the transition of infection in Tokyo.

 米国では経済再開に向けて、コロナ対策チームの方針は経済再開を唱えるスコットアトラス主導となった。11月の大統領選の激しさも増し、ヒドロキシクロロキンなどの治療薬議論は霞み、また、死亡者数も頭打ちで、このまま冬の本格的な第二波まで、コロナはいったん終息する様子だ。In US, toward the reopening of economy, Covid-19 task force team is now lead by Scott Atlas who advocate the reopening of the economy. Nov election campaign is heating up, while attention to cure medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine is getting weaker. While death toll now looks stopped to grow, Covid-19 looks getting in temporal termination until we see real 2nd wave in winter season. 

 ワクチンが異例の速さで開発されており、副作用が懸念されるものの、50種類以上が開発されており、有効なものもできると思われる。Vaccine development is going on in very fast speed, although some side effects are expected, we may find some good one since there are more than 50 vaccines under development right now.