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AI 株価予測 20210402の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210402 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210402の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210402 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210402]Forecast for this time

[前回予測20210326Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

相場は配当権利最終日を待たずして下落した。AI予想の週足はこの600円を下回るレベルまでの下落を言い当てたと言えるだろう。過去チャートからはかなり確度の高いパターンだったのだろう。Stock went down before the last day to receive dividend. Weekly AI forecast now looks correct predicting the drop down to below 600 level. Probably this is the frequent pattern from historical chart. 

今週のAI予想は週足は変わらず、日足は僅か反発、月足は過激な500円近くまでの下落を予想。The AI forecast of this week remained the same while daily forecast predicts slight rise.  Note that monthly forecast predicts radical drop down to 500 level. 

チャートは上昇トレンドを下方に切り下げていく展開。AI予想について、運用開始から現在までを見ると、月足はデータ不足のためか正解率が悪かった。400円を割った時点で、まだまだ下がることを強く予想していた。週足は過激な上昇のピークを検出するのに役立つレベルに見える。昨年6月の戻り、そして今回の3月末だ。Chart looks breaking rising trends downward. Looking back AI forecast since inception, monthly forecast's performance was bad probably due to lack of historical data. Monthly forecast still predicted further drop persistent at the timing even when price gone down below 400. Meanwhile weekly looks fine to predict the sudden uprising peaks. One example was last June and another example is this Mar end. 

コロナは変異種の拡大とワクチンの競争状態の中、更なるロックダウンも継続中。米国は新規に200兆円を超える経済対策。金利は上昇方向。ただ、傷が癒えていないセクターも多く、MMT張りの過激な通貨供給量の拡大の副作用も懸念材料。Another lock down is continuing while vaccine is fighting against the expansion of Covid-19 variants.  US is launching over $2tr financial aids. Interest rate is rising. Meanwhile there still left lots of industrial sectors yet recovered, as well as side effects coming from sudden expansion of money supply that almost looks like MMT. 

慎重に資金管理を行っていきたい。Still in a phase that requires prudent approach for exposure management.