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AI 株価予測 20210423の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210423 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210423の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210423 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210423]Forecast for this time

[前回予測20210416Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

木曜日の時点で日次の新値予測が上向き、果たして一旦下げ止まった。週、月の新値予測は下向きだが、新値を下値更新することは無いかもしれない。AI forecast was switched upward on Apr22nd Thursday, then drop-trend looked stopped for a moment on next day Apr 23rd Friday. Weekly and monthly forecast still predict downward trend however, it may not really break new low. Let's see. 

下方三角持合いは上抜けたが、方向は定まらない。ボリンジャーバンドは2σに届きそうで、下落継続パターンに見える。Downward flag was broken upward but looks still disoriented. Bollinger band is reaching 2-sigma and downward trend looks continuing. 

日経は三角持合いを下方にブレーク。Nikkei broke flag downward. 

ワクチンの展開が進む中、変異種は猛威を振るい、日本も第四波で非常事態宣言だ。米国では、GDPの半分にも達しそうな政府支援も出た。バイデンが所得1億円以上の層へのキャピタルゲインの倍増計画を発表。必要な政策だが、当面の株価にはマイナスだろう。While vaccine deployment has been expanding, variant looks fierce than ever making 4th wave to trigger national state of emergency until May 11th spanning over Japanese long vacation(so-called Golden Week).  Government financial assistance reaching almost half of GDP was announced already in US. Biden announced policy change to double the capital gain tax for over $1mn income layer.  It looks necessary policy but has negative impact for stock price for a moment. 

今後、パンデミックが終息するのは間違いないだろうが、一旦大きく調整する可能性も十分ある。資金管理=リスク管理を第一にしたい。Pandemic will be gone for sure some time from now however, there is high probability to see big drop of stock price from now for a while. Need to have exposure control=risk management as number one agenda.