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子供の小さな生物 Kid's Small Creatures


Kid's Small Creatures

小学生の子供は小さな生物が大好き。Elementary school kid loves small creatures.

近くの公園にミジンコを取りに行く。Went down to nearby park to sample Daphnia.

採取した水の中にミジンコが上がったり下がったり。顕微鏡でみると、いたいた!Daphnia went up and down in the water sampled. Put it under the microscope. There it was!

そういえば、今年は久々にオタマジャクシも孵化させた。By the way, for the 1st time in the last few years,  brought up tadpole from egg.

それからアゲハも。芥子粒のように小さな幼虫は立派に飛び立った。And also butterfly. It started from sesame seed size and flew up to the sky after few weeks. 

そしてサワガニ。10匹が3匹に減ってしまった。 昨年全滅し、子供が泣いたので今年はリベンジ。And fresh water crab. Initial 10 went down to 3.  Last year we lost all and kid cried. So this year is a revenge. 

カマキリともかなり遊んだ。Mantis was another friend. 

カナヘビも暫く家にいた。Japanese grass lizard had short stay at home. 

そういえば、女王アリが産卵を繰り返すものの、一向に子アリが出てこないのが心配。By the way we are worried about the queen ant that keeps egg-deposition but have not see any child ant coming out.