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残り時間 Time Left

 残り時間 Time Left

数日前、胃に突然違和感が。食欲もない。Few days ago, some funny feeling in stomach. No apatite neither. 

H2ブロッカーで一旦良くなるも、切れるとまた違和感が続く。H2 blocker eased a lot however it came back soon after it run out of effective time. 

これはいよいよ胃ガンか。癌との戦いの日々を最悪シナリオとして考え始める。I thought finally  I got caught by stomach cancer. I started to ponder the days fighting cancer as a worst case. 

しつこい鈍い痛みから、胃の中に絶対何か病変がある、と思っていた。Due to persistent dull pain, I was very sure that some problem should exist in my stomach. 

ところが、驚いたことに胃カメラには何も原因は映らなかった。逆に、胃癌の原因となるピロリ菌には罹らない胃と言われた。However, amazingly, no problem was found in my stomach. On the contrary, doctor said my stomach is free from Helicobacter pylori, a major cause of stomach cancer. 

数日後、頭痛、肩の痛みの消失に続いて、症状は徐々に消失。胃酸をブロックする機能がより強いプロトンポンプは、処方してもらったが服用せずに済んだ。熱は全くでなかった。なんらかのウイルス感染かと疑っている。Few days later, as head ache as well as shoulder ache faded away, stomach ache has gone gradually. I did not use proton pump type medicine after all, that blocks stomach acid stronger than H2 blocker. Absolutely no fever during the whole sick period. I suspect that it was maybe some kind of virus infection. 

検査を受ける前には人生の短さを考えた。Before the medical inspection, I really though of the shortness of life. 

短い人生を更に短くする事はやめにしよう。I will stop doing anything making life shorter, that is already short enough. 

そしてやりたいことは前倒しで進めていこう。And I will prioritize anything I want to achieve.