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AI 株価予測 20220506の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220506 Status 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 20220506の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220506 Status 8306MUFG

週末、NYダウは景気を考慮したパウエルのFFレート0.5%上げ(予想0.75%)を好感し1000ドル近く上昇、翌日利上げを懸念して1000ドル近く下げ。米銀行株も急上昇したものの、翌日下落した。Going close to the end of week, NY down jumped $1K appreciating the FF rate hike for 0.5%(instead of 0.75% market expectation) by Powell considering the economic adverse situation however, it dropped $1K worrying the rate hike itself. US bank stocks followed the same, jumped and dropped next day. 

今週はGWで2営業日のみだったが、月曜日下降トレンドから脱却。しかしNYダウの乱高下を受け、金曜日、MUFGは下落基調と考えていた。AI予測も下向きだった。予想に反し金曜日は大きく反発。5月9日のロシア戦勝記念日のリスクは眼中にないようだ。This week was long holiday period called Golden Week in Japan. So there was only two business days. On Monday MUFG went out of down trend. However facing the high volatility of NY, I expected downtrend on Friday. AI forecast was down as well. However contradicting to my expectation, on Friday, MUFG jumped significant. Looks like market is not really worrying about the risk of May 9th, the war memorial day and ceremony of Russia.  

トレード詳細はこちら。結果的にトレード枠利用は2/4。長期保有はなし。Trade details are here. As a result, 2/4 limit holding at the point of weekend without long term holding position. 

プーチンは外相の人種差別発言に対する謝罪など、社会的な面も見せたのは良かった。これで核兵器を打ちまくることは無いと思いたい。だが、予断は許さない。It was good that Putin made apologies for the foreign minister's anti-Semitic statement since it is a sign of social aspect of Putin. Hope this should explain the minimal chance of Putin to shoot around nuclear weapons. Of course we cannot be too cautious though. 

明日月曜日は5月9日であり、大きな動きが予想される。侵略中の地での、神経を逆なでするようなパレードに対する熾烈な応酬が懸念される。Tomorrow Monday is May 9th and huge move is anticipated. The parade in the middle of invasion on that invaded land, that itself is totally beyond the normal sense of human being, can be a very vulnerable target of the fierce military counter attack.

米銀株/米10年金利/ダウ/日経 US Banks/UST10Y/NYDow/NK225

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast

[今回予測20220506]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20220428]Previous Forecast 

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