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AI 株価予測 20211105の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211105 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20211105の状況8306MUFG 

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211105 Status 8306MUFG

中期上昇トレンド下値抵抗線での、6回目のリバウンドの後、抵抗線付近まで再度急落した。After the 6th rebound at the lower registance of middle term upward trend, MUFG dropped again down to the same lower resistance level. 

テーパリングは開始したものの、金利上昇は非常に緩慢になるとの予測から米10年金利は下落。パウエルFRB議長はインフレが一時的であるとの見方を堅持。中国不動産バブル崩壊による影響を不安視した、好決算後の急落も相次いだ。Tapering has started but 10yr US interest rate has gone down due to the expectation of slow increase. FRB chairman Powell still believes that inflation is temporary. Couple of sudden drops were observed even after the announcement of good result due to the anticipation of impact from China's real estate bubble burst. 

MUFGの決算は来週月曜日15日。好決算になると思われるが、緩慢な金利上昇などを材料に下落する可能性もある。MUFG's result should come next Monday Nov 15th. We expect good result however, it may drop due to the anticipation of impact from slow increase of interest rate. 

抵抗線での反発、来週の好決算発表、NY暴落懸念の後退、日経平均三角持合い上放れを考えると、今週中の下落は、残り1/3の投入チャンスかもしれない。Nevertheless, considering the rebound at the resistance, expected good result coming a week after next, receded worry of NY stock bubble burst as well as upward departure of Nikkei225 from wedge, drop during the coming week if any, can be another chance to bet remaining 1/3 of trading limit. 

AI予測は更なる上昇。AI forecast implies further hike.

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20211105]Forecast at this time 

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