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AI 株価予測 20211119の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211119 Status 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 20211119の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211119 Status 8306MUFG

月曜日には半期発表があった。好決算だったが売られた。Monday was release day for semi-annual result. It was good but the stock was sold off.

なんと、2回のタッチでは足りず、急落の後、中期上昇レンジ下値抵抗線3回目のタッチとなった。週末に近づくと下ヒゲが出てきたが、最後のADRは下げとなり来週の下落スタートを予感させた。Then stock price ended up touching the long term upward range bottom resistance for the 3rd time since two touch was not enough probably. Going close to weekend, there were hammers however, last ADR for the week indicated further drop implying the move of next week's start. 

AI予測は方向感を欠く。金利は若干下落。AI forecast looks not showing strong definite sign. Interest rate dropped a bit. 

NYも順調に上昇していく感じでもなくなった。NY looks going slow but not moving up rapidly anymore. 

ただ、MUFGに限らず、業績の良い銘柄の下げが目立つようになっている。GDP下方修正に伴う、日経平均が3万円で反落するヘッジファンドのIndex仕掛けトレードの結果だと考えられる。Nevertheless we see number of stocks going down although it come with good financial result recently. This is probably because of GDP growth drop triggering hedge funds to make short tricks over index that bounced back from 30K.

2回のタッチですでにトレード枠は使ってしまったので、これからは推移を見守りたい。現状でも配当利回りは4%を超えているので、基本ロスカットは行わない。Since my trade limit was exhausted for now after topping up positions during two touches, going forward, I will just make a close look how things will move from now. Even now dividend yield exceeds 4%, hence I will not do loss-cut basically. 

もし、中期上昇トレンドレンジ下限がついに破られた場合は、500円台、さらに400円台を待って、配当利回り5%前後での長期保有ポジションを積み増す。If upward middle range trend's lower support line is broken eventually, I need to wait for 500-400 level to add up another long holding investment positions with 5% dividend yield.  

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20211119]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20211112]Previous Forecast 


Mid Term Upward Range