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AI 株価予測 20211112の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211112 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20211112の状況8306MUFG
Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211112 Status 8306MUFG

順調な反発が急落し、中期上昇トレンドのレンジ下限に11月9日の日中に再度タッチしたため、残りの1/3を買った。その後さらに下落は続き、反発も6回目で終わりかと思われたが、週末には再度レンジ内に復帰した。Good rebound inverted suddenly downward and price once more touched the lower range of midterm upward trend during Nov 9th trading time. Hence I bought another 1/3 to top up the position. Later, price further dropped and I almost thought that rebound at resistance ended after 6th time.  However, price came back within the range as getting closer to weekend. 

来週は半期業績発表日で、好業績が期待できそうだ。Next week, semi-annual result will be announced. Looks good one is coming. 

ただ、恒大、NY株暴落の懸念は残り、リスク量が拡大しないよう、注意していきたい。However, need to watch Evergrande and NY crush to control risk exposure. 

AI予測からは新値上方更新となりそう。AI forecast expects upper revision of three line break.

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20211112]Forecast at this time 

変化なしNo Chante

[前回予測20211105]Previous Forecast