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北海道 清里町  さくらの滝 サクラマス遡上 6-8月 Cherry Blossom Falls in Kiyosato Town, Hokkaido - Salmon Migration (June to August)

北海道 清里町 さくらの滝 サクラマス遡上 6-8月

Cherry Blossom Falls in Kiyosato Town, Hokkaido - Salmon Migration (June to August)

北海道 清里町で有名なのは、6-8月のサクラマスの遡上。近くのサウナで地元の人に聞くと、この滝を越えられるのは100匹に1匹ぐらいで、だいたいはこの滝つぼで産卵するらしい。In Kiyosato Town, Hokkaido, the famous event from June to August is the salmon migration at Cherry Blossom Falls. According to the locals, who can be heard at a nearby sauna, only about one in every 100 salmon manages to climb over the falls, with most of them spawning in the basin below.

案内板もある。ヒグマは常に出る心構えが必要。There are informational signs in the area, and visitors should always be prepared for the presence of brown bears.

駐車場は広い。The parking area is spacious.

場所はここ Here is the location.