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知床羅臼昆布を浜で買ったよ! I bought Shiretoko Rausu kelp at the beach!


I bought Shiretoko Rausu kelp at the beach!

8月中旬、知床道道87号線を終点まで行くと、そこから先は羅臼昆布の天国。これはここで買わない手はない!In mid Aug, when you reach the end of Shiretoko Route 87, you enter the paradise of Rausu kelp. There's no way I could pass up the chance to buy some here!

天日干しの途中の羅臼昆布を漁師さんから有償で分けてもらい、さっそく宿の管理人さんの許可を得て、バルコニーで乾燥! 1キロ分の昆布が吊るされた様子は壮観!I purchased some sun-drying Rausu kelp from a fisherman and, with the permission of the inn manager, immediately hung it out to dry on the balcony. The sight of 1 kilogram of kelp hanging was truly impressive!

更に家で乾燥させ、冬の鍋が楽しみ!I'll dry it further at home, and I can't wait to use it for winter hot pots!