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霧多布岬のラッコの家族 A Family of Sea Otters at Kiritappu Cape


A Family of Sea Otters at Kiritappu Cape

8月に霧多布岬で7頭のラッコがプカプカ浮かぶのが見えた。宿の主によると、6-7月と殆ど出てこなかったようで、ラッキーだった。赤ちゃんラッコを抱いている母ラッコは実は子育ての上手な乳母ラッコで、何匹もの子供を育て上げたベテランだということだ。おかげで年を重ねるごとに頭が白くなってきてしまったそうだ。In August, I spotted seven sea otters floating leisurely at Kiritappu Cape. According to the owner of the inn, they hadn't been seen much during June and July, so I was lucky to witness them. The mother sea otter holding a baby is actually a skilled nanny otter who has raised many pups. As a result, her head has gradually turned white with age.

周りはこんな感じ。Here’s the surrounding area.

場所はここ。The location is here.