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AI 株価予測 20201211の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201211 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20201211の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201211 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20201204Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

下降トレンドは一旦踏ん張ったようだ。Down-trend looks stopped for a moment. 

市場全体は天井を形成している。Market is building up ceiling dome. 

ワクチン開発完了に伴う相場上昇は一旦落ち着いた。接種開始時期は各国異なるが、概ねあと半年で行きわたるだろう。The market rally due to vaccine development success looks calmed down for a while. Timing of deployments differ from country to country but will be available to all within half year. 

今後、世界中でバラまいたコロナ支援はGDPの欠損を補うレベルは超えていないが、政府債務のさらなる拡大を招いており、MMTの議論とも相まって懸念事項だ。Government spending funded by government debt has been expanding for huge amount but still within the level to ease the Covid-19 damage on GDP however, it is certainly a worry together with discussion on MMT.

最後に、大統領選の不正選挙疑惑は、もし連邦最高裁が最後の訴訟を却下すると、トランプは次の手として自動的に戒厳令に踏み込む所に来ており、表立っては報道されないが、世界は固唾をのんで進展を見守っている。ここ2週間ほどは目を離せない。Lastly, the US president election fraud case came to the point of final lawsuit on federal supreme court. If this last lawsuit is rejected, Trump will activate marshal law automatically. Hence, although it is not covered widely in media, world is nervously watching the way it goes. The next two weeks will be critical. 

戒厳令は再選挙を命じる部分的なものとなりそうだが、それでも株価は一旦は下落すると思われる。Marshal law, even if it is activated, will be a partial one ordering re-election however, stock price will go down for a short time.