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遺伝的アルゴリズム 5分で理解 Genetic Algorithm 5 min Real Understanding

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Genetic Algorithm 

5 min Real Understanding

Genetic algorithm is a procedure to solve optimize problem mimicking mechanism of life evolution.  Since practical applications are already introduced extensive in other sites, here I wish to focus what it is all about and why we can get solution out of this procedure.

In general, N-dimensional Newton Raphson method (steepest gradient method) has been used for optimization problem however, it could not cope with noncontinuous function and also easy to fall into local minimum, thus lacked robustness.

Genetic algorithm made search of global minimum possible by mimicking the mechanism of evolution, i.e., marriage, mutation, inheritance and survival of fittest, then narrow the solution of N dimensional space efficiently.

Genetic code is composed of combination of quaternary (A, G, C, T) base sequence.  Individual variation comes only from the difference of sequence.  Then the sequence differs by individual due to marriage, mutation while keeping only fittest.

Mimicking this framework, Genetic Algorithm makes finite discretization of the solution space representing in vector of n-ary system. 1st generation is made randomly, then let them get married (exchanging upper-half/lower-half digits), mutated (disturb digits randomly), inherit (no change), then apply to objective function to keep better fit ones mainly to be the 2nd generation.

1st generation looks uniformly spread over population in N-dimensional space, while as generation goes by, population will converge concentrating close to global minimum.  Solution is obtained once we see sufficient convergence.

By the way, is it only me who feel a bit shivering by revisiting this too-well-made mechanism of life evolution?