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統計的裁定(StatArb)ポートフォリオの例 StatArb (Statistical Arbitrage) Sample Portfolio



English follows


下図のように、東京証券取引所(TSE)上場の1812鹿島(建設)6103オークマ(工作機械)7951ヤマハ( 民生機械)を取り上げてみる。



固有値が最大の有為なモードの固有ベクトルを見ると、(0.32, 0.46, 0.83)と、同一方向への振れとなっている。これは、株1812が0.32動くと、株7951が0.83動く、即ち2.6倍動く(=0.83/0.32)ことが多いことを示唆している。散布図(下図)を見ても、傾きがおおよそ2.6倍になっていることが確認できる。







Stat Arb (Statistical Arbitrage)  Sample Portfolio

Let's look at a simple portfolio of Stat Arb.

As shown below, we take TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange) listed stock 1812 Kajima (construction), stock 6103 Ohkuma (mother machinery) and stock 7951 Yamaha (retail electronics/machine).

Here, co-variance matrix of stock price is calculated as below.

Corresponding eigen values and eigen vectors are shown below.

If we look at the eigen vector with maximum eigen value with maximum significance, (0.32, 0.46, 0.83) indicates the variation to same direction. This means if stock 1812 moves times 0.32, then stock 7951 moves times 0.83, i.e., tends to move 2.6 times (= 0.83/0.32).  Same can be observed in scatter plot below indicating gradient of around 2.6 times.

Need to be careful here that there is no time axis context to this eigen vector.  Object of analysis is a deviation from average only in the observed population. Thus, there is no time axis information, nor market entry timing information. 

One simple trade scheme on pair trade basis here is to trade by making use of 2.6 times bigger sensitivity of stock 1812 compared to stock 7951. If deviation of real price change from statistical change is bigger, judge that spread is widened, then create position (start trading). All these apply the same for the case where dimensions are higher than two here. 

In this example, stock 1812 dropped JPY57 on Jan 18th, hence stock 7951 should have dropped JPY151 (=57*2.637) however, it has gone up JPY10 instead. Hence deviation is JPY161 and exceeding the temporal threshold set as JPY100.  Thus, position to be created is to buy oversold stock 1812 and short-sell corresponding stock 7951. The CF (Cash Flow) for 1 unit buy of stock 1812 is minus, while CF for short sold stock 7951 is plus (ignoring margin). The units of short sold stock 7951 should be divided by relative sensitivity of 2.6 to make final position(portfolio) to be market neutral. The condition for portfolio unwinds is the deviation of market to opposite direction over threshold level of -JPY100.

Risk amount is less than outright portfolio for systemic risk due to offsetting nature of portfolio leaving only spread risk.

Put some notes below in random to be considered but not touched here.

1) Interest rate cost for margins, rules and regulations of market
2) Market liquidity check (such as position size limit < 1/100 of daily volume)
3) Order timing (use end of day price to decide, then trade next morning etc)
4) Scope of time span (millisecond or hour or day, observation period etc)
5) Workflow to choose multiple assets, names, and test to decide portfolio
6) System development (such as for global real time monitoring & auto trading)
7) Threshold to judge buy/sell as well as threshold to decide loss cut
8) Fundamental analysis (on the composition of eigen vector)
9) Normalization of market price (when combining numbers in different scale)