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マイナンバーの全面展開 National ID number Full Application to Japan


English follows




誕生、結婚、離婚、転居、戸籍、登記、課税、出入国、医療情報 などなど、個人を特定する通し番号なしに、別々に管理してきた。







National ID number Full Application to Japan

Japanese National ID (called 'My Number') is under gradual implementation. 

Everybody knew that it was efficient but implementation has been delayed due to various reasons. 

As a result, pension management became impossible, while lands ownership were split into pieces as inheritance goes on, then eventually became hard to track. 

Birth, marriage, divorce, moving, national registration, notarization, taxing, immigration, medical info, etc., have been managed without the use of serial number to identify individuals. 

If someone with even a little bit of knowledge on computer or data base, it is easy to see that such setup is similar to design multiple data base systems keeping consistency in-between without the use of uniform 'key'.  This is mission impossible. 

Government office requests multiple identical information over and over. Hospital performs identical medical examination many times. Pension tracking become impossible. Unused land increases. Taxing become difficult, etc. 

Japanese are paying tremendous cost due to redundant and old-fashioned information management. 

However, we also should aware that such redundancy sometimes provides safety of the system. It is because spoofers need to falsify consistently all redundant old systems to avoid detection.  However, in the case of optimized uniform unique national ID adoption, spoofers only need to falsity one unified number.  Hence, we need enhanced security to stop that to happen.  

National ID may be hard to put in production unless personal identification technology develops to certain level, but I believe such condition is already satisfied by looking at bio-metrics identification done for bank ATM today. 

Japan can be the most successful country for national ID implementation.