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廃校小学校の幼稚園、保育園への無償開放/小子化問題への切り札 Re-Use of Closed Public Schools for Day Nursery - How to Stop Declining Birth Rate -


(English Follows)




  • 事業者にとってコストが抑えられ、進出意欲が増す
  • 新規事業により新規雇用も生まれる
  • 幼稚園、保育園の環境が改善できる
  • 公共財を無駄に寝かせておかず、真に必要な目的のために活用できる
  • 女性の社会進出が大幅に支援される
  • 子育ての障壁が減った女性は一人であきらめていた子供を二人以上産むようになる
  • 結果的に小子化問題は解消する

Re-Use of Closed Public Schools for Day Nursery 
- How to Stop Declining Birth Rate - 

Due to declining kids population, number of public elementary and junior high schools are closed or consolidated. There are lots of closed school buildings in Tokyo metropolitan area left deserted for no use. Meanwhile lots of women with kids cannot go to work due to lack of day nursery.

Offering this unused public facility free to nursery industry will solve the problem with minimum cost.

It is a mission of politics to create social frameworks with minimal expenditure.


  • Higher cost reduction incentive for nursery enterprise
  • New job creation in nursery industry
  • Can improve squeezing infrastructure of nursery in Tokyo metropolitan area
  • Can stop public assets left deserted and unused
  • Great assistance for women with kids to go work
  • Woman who gave up to have two kid can afford extra kid
  • As a result, can stop declining birth rate