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商業銀行の市場リスクと流動性リスクの関係 Link between Market Risk and Liquidity Risk of commercial banks


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それは、長期の債権投資を短期の調達でファンディンクすればするほど、金利リスクPV01およびVaR(市場リスク)は増大し、かつ、流動性リスクも増大し、逆に、長期の債権投資を仮に同一満期の長期調達でファンディングする場合(Matched Funding)、金利リスクは打消し合い、流動性リスクもなくなるからだ。





さて、3Mのキャッシュフローを変化させることで、累積流動性リスク量と、市場リスク量(PV01、VaR)の関係を見てみる。 Min Cumulative CF($mn)とあるのは、D1-1Yの間の最大のギャッピング量(累積キャッシュフロー)を示している。ギャッピング量が増えるに連れ、市場リスク量も増大しているのが分かる。

Link between Market Risk and Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks 

One of income source for commercial bank is a long-short tenor gapping on banking account.

Long/short term gapping means to fund long tenor high interest rate asset by short low interest rate deposits, generating income (long term interest rate - short term interest rate) = interest rate difference become profit. Here assuming normal yield curve (i.e., long term interest rate > short term interest rate).

Under long/short term gapping, there is a little bit interesting relationship between market risk and liquidity risk.

Here, market risk means a risk of going default as a result of excessive loss over equity after market to market loss recognition of holding assets.

Meanwhile, liquidity risk means going insolvent at payment date due to lack of funds. ( Liquidity risk has another meaning, i.e., too thin market to sell assets, however it is out of our scope now in this discussion.)

Both market and liquidity risk leads to default however, at a 1st glance, they do not look relating to each other.  But actually, there is a close relationship between those at banking risk management.

It is because, the longer tenor placement is funded by shorter deposits, market risk PV01 as well as VaR increases as well as liquidity risk, meanwhile however, if matched funding(same tenor for both placement and funding) is used, both market and liquidity risk disappears due to offsetting of placement and funding.

Also from risk/return perspective, if we maximize long/short gapping risk, profit is maximized but risk will also become maximum. In opposite, if long/short gapping is minimized, risk is minimized but profit will also go minimum.

Let's take a look at some sample I made up.

Let's assume that, as of today, cash flow up to 1yr and corresponding cumulative cash flow, interest rate sensitivity PV01 and VaR will go as in below table. 1M cumulative cash flow is -100, hence 1M point already has liquidity risk, i.e., if nothing is done before 1M comes, we go default. 

Here, D1 (next day) cash inflow includes both settlement on that day as well as inflow from nostro.  1Y cash flow of plus 900 shows maturity of investment (placement). 

By varying 3M cash flow, we can see relationship between cumulative liquidity risk amount and market risk amounts (PV01, VaR). Minimum Cumulative CF ($mn) indicates maximum gapping (cumulative cash flow) between D1-1Y period. It is observed that as gapping increase, market risk increases.