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アリは冬はお休み Ant Hibernates in Winter


Ant Hibernates in Winter

子供がアリ観察セットをどうしても欲しいというので、あまり考えずにamazonで買ってしまった。数種類のセットが出ていて、その中から、レビューと、YouTubeをみて、上のセットを買った。Kid desperately asked for ant observatory kit, so I bought it through amazon without thinking much about it. There were several products from which I picked the one above after checking reviews and YouTube.

こどもは喜び勇んで組み立てて、さあアリを取りに行こう!ということになった。Kid became excited and assembled kit, then said, let's go hunting ants!

子供が、公園に行っても、アリは一匹もいない。夏はあんなにいたのに。Kids went down to park but there was no ant, even a single one. There were so many during summer.

気温は朝6度、昼17度位で比較的暖かい1月の冬。 Temperature was 6 degree in the morning and 17 degree during the day, rather warm winter day in January.

ググってみると、アリはもう冬眠の時期だそう。I googled and found that now ants are totally under hibernation in this season.

調べてから買うべきだったが、後の祭り! I should have bought after checking but too late!

子供もアリの冬眠を身をもって実感。とても良い勉強になりました。 It was good leaning experience for kid too knowing about ant's hibernation.