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クラビはレンタカーで Krabi trip on Car Rent


Krabi trip on Car Rent

タイのクラビに家族で行ってきた。レンタカーを利用すると、既成ツアーの半値から2割程度の出費で、自由に回ることができる。道路は非常に良く整備されておりストレスフリー。ただ、歩行者はランダムに道路を横断するため細心の注意が必要。Went family trip to Thai Krabi . Compared to ready made package tours, car rent can save cost down to half to 20% with less constraints. Roads are very well maintained and totally stress free except special extra attention required for pedestrians crossing roads randomly. 

ANAでスワンナプーム国際空港まで飛び、タクシー400BTS(バーツ)でドンムアン空港に移動。近くのZZZ Hostelで一泊後、LCCのThaiLionAirでクラビ空港まで飛んだ。ThaiLionAirは737-MAXが2回も墜落および未遂事故を起こしているが、現在、737-MAXは全世界で運航停止。代わりに安定した737-800/900で運航されているので安心。Flew to Suwanaphumi airport and move to Don Mueang Airport by taxi(400Bts). Stayed overnight at ZZZ Hostel. Then flew to Krabi airport by ThaiLionAir, LCC. ThaiLionAir's 737-MAX made crush and near crush but 737-MAX is now stopped globally. Stable 737-800/900 is used instead, so no worry. 

ただ、LCCなので、重量制限はシビア。カウンターで頭を抱えているグループを見た。15Kgの預け入れ荷物権は900btsでチケット購入時に確保。また、機内持ち込み荷物は7Kgまで40X30X20cm一つに制限だが、重量はチェック計測されなかった。「旅行はかり」を買っておくと便利。However, LCC has severe weight restriction. Saw group of people having trouble at luggage check in counter. Bought 15kg check in luggage coupon by 900bts on ticket purchase. Carry on bug is limited to one piece 7Kg, 40X30X20cm but no check measurement was done. Recommend to have handy weigh scale. 

スワンナプーム到着後、Exchangeでバーツを少額交換。レート3.6Yen/BTSぐらい。町中の方がレートが良い。Changed money at Suwanaphumi airport, rate was around 3.6yen/BTS. Better rate in city. 

SIMはTrueMoveを購入。少々トラブルがあったが無事接続完了。さらに、4Gを買ったのに3Gと表示されて慌てたが速度はクラビでも4Mで十分だった。SIM bought was TrueMove. Had trouble for setting a bit but worked out fine eventually. On top of that, it shows 3G although I purchased 4G however, speed was 4M as below, so that was turned out to be just sufficient. 

 クラビに到着後すぐにレンタカー。ThaiRentACarを予約しておいた。傷などチェックで写真を撮っておく。カーナビの他に、スマホのGoogleMapも必須。Wazeは今回利用しなかった。Rented ThaiRentACar as soon as reached Krabi. Took photo for scratches. Besides car navigation, need google map. Did not use Waze this time.

Fossil Shell Beachへ立ち寄る。入場料は一人200BTSだが家族割引40%あり。Drop by Fossil Shell Beach. Entrance fee was 200bts but got family discount up to 40%.

 Jungle Village Bungalowsへ到着。プールもあって、テラスは食事にフル活用。スーパーマーケットも充実。Arrived Jungle Village Bungalows. It has pool and terrace used fully for meals. Super Markets were sufficient.

翌日は海。アオナンビーチのボートチケット売り場。Railayビーチまでの往復200BTSを買う。国立公園ではないので400btsは不要。車はアオナンビーチは赤白線を避け、白い線のエリアに路駐。Next day, went to sea. Picture below is AoNang boat ticket booth. Round ticket 200BTS up to Railay beach. No need for extra 400bts since it is not a national park. Parked car on white zone on road avoiding red/white zone.

アオナン地区とRailayビーチの地図 The map of AoNang and Railay.

ボート発着場。腰まで水につかって乗船する。Boat boarding area. Got on-board from water up to waist.

 RailayビーチからPhraNangビーチへ行く途中でロッククライミングに遭遇、Encountered rock climbers on the way up to PhraNang beach from Railay beach.

見事な鍾乳石の側道を通り、PhraNangビーチに出ると、Going through path by beautiful Limestone cave up to PhraNang beach,

 景色が抜群。でも透明度は悪く魚はあまり見えない。Wonderful view but water was not clear enough to see tropical fishes.

 次の日、AoNangから車で1時間半でEmerald Poolへ到着。カーナビはCrystal Lagoonと入力。Next day went to Emerald Pool, one hour from AoNang area by car.  Set Crystal Lagoon instead in car navigation.

かなり混んでいたが、子供は大喜び。近くの温泉はスキップ。Rather crowded but kids were excited. Skipped hot spring near by.

駐車場横のレストランに立ち寄り。タイフードはいつもおいしい。Dropped by restaurant by parking. Thai food is great as always.

次の日、3島貸し切りボート4時間2,200BTSでPoDaNok, ChikenHead, Poda3島を巡る。国立公園なので、400BTSをPoDaNok上陸時に支払う。家族は4割引きだった。Next day, chartered a boat 4 hours for PoDaNok, ChikenHead, Poda 3-island trip for 2,200BTS. Paid 40% family discount for national park entrance fee.

船頭さんは非常に親切で魚がいっぱいの場所を案内してもらう。Captain was very nice guy and introduced us to spot full of fish.

Chicken Head島には魚がいっぱい。透明度も一番高い。全員およげるので、スノーケルは不要。水泳ゴーグルで十分。Chicken Head island was full of fish. All family can swim well so no need for snorkel but swimming goggles were just sufficient.

 翌日、初日の出を見に、タムスア寺へ車で40分。早朝の登頂には、ライトが欠かせない。Next day drove 40 minutes up to Wat Tham Sua to see new year sun rise. Needed flash light for climbing before dawn.

手すりを利用しないと危険な急坂だが、かなり汚れているので、軍手持参がベター。It was dangerous steep slope if not holding hand rails. Better to bring glove since rails are dirty.

 祭壇わきから始まる過激な直登階段を1200段ほど登る。1時間程度かかった。1200 radical steps starting besides the rite stage, sometimes almost upright.

初日の出に間に合う。Made new year sun rise.

サルが多くいるが、犬が牽制してくれるので安心。There were many monkeys but dogs confronted them out so no worry.

 階段はかなり危険で岩山の鎖場が1時間続くイメージ。不安な人にはお薦めできない。Stairs were very dangerous, just like chain path on mountain climbing lasting 1 hour.  Not recommended for those feel uneasy about the course.

 クラビ最終日、車で40分ぐらいのAo Thalane Kayak Krabiでカヤック。Hong島への貸し切りボートも出ていたが、また次回。Last day in Krabi, drove 40 min down to Ao Thalane Kayak Krabi for kayaking. Saw charted boat up to Hong Island from there but will try next time.

 マングローブの入り江をさかのぼる。全行程2時間と短いが、体力の限界丁度。Gone up mangrove cove for 2 hours. Looks short but long enough testing physical strength.

帰途、4時間のトランジットを利用して鉄道でWat Phoへ行き帰国。Visited Wat Pho by train on the way back for transit of 4 hours.