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AI 株価予測 20200319 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200319 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20200319 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200319 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200313]Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

欧米はコロナ大規模感染の立ち上がりのフェーズに突入した。国家非常事態宣言、流動性バックアップ、利下げ、ついには1兆ドル経済支援政府支出まで、トランプが繰り出す数々の政策もむなしく、毎回、発表の翌日に株価はさらなる下落で答える週となった。US and Europe have dived into the Corona infection explosion phase. Trump has been launching number of policies such as National State Of Emergency declaration, liquidity backup by FED, rate cut, and finally $1tr economic support by government expense however, each time, next day after the announcement, stock market replied by further big drops after short rally. 

前にも述べたが、中国が3か月で鎮静化したのだから、時間差で米国でも3か月で収束するのだが、パニックを起こすと人は論理を失う。また、すでに効果のある治療薬も発見され、展開を待っている状態だ。市場が正気を取り戻すのを待ちたい。As mentioned before, since China calmed down the situation in 3 month, with different phase, US will also calm down in 3 month with delayed phase,  but it is human's nature to stop thinking logical when in panic.

8036MUFGのAI予測トラッキングは日足で反発、週足で下落継続を予測している。先週の下落継続予想は当たっていた。日足での反発予想は、結構チャートの動きを過去についてよく見ているなという感じではある。Daily 3LB rebounded for 8036MUFG but weekly 3LB still forecasts further drop. The drop forecast of previous week was correct. By looking at the reversion of daily 3LB, I felt AI is really looking historical charts well. 

日銀のPKO6兆円増額、配当利回り6%越えなど環境は整ってきており、下値の予測はできないが、買い下がりの局面だと思う。Enhancement of PKO(Price Keeping Operation) by BOJ for JPY6tr, over 6% dividend yeild etc indicate the chance for investment. Although it is difficult to expect bottom, now it looks, it is the timing to start buying gradually.