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中間反騰よ永遠に Middle Rally Forever


Middle Rally Forever

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

イタリア、スペインで悲惨な状況となる一方、米国ではトランプの200兆円政府支援や症状緩和薬の承認により、世界の株価は中間反騰中。日本もGDP10%相当の政府支援をやるそうだ。Italy and Spain became tragic situation while US Trump made $2trillion stimulus as well as approval of remedial medicine, that drove global equity to go middle rally. Japan is said to launch 10%GDP scale stimulus package also.

日本では五輪延期が決まったものの、危機感の共有は不十分で、埼玉でのK1開催に象徴されるように、感染爆発と首都閉鎖は目前に迫っているようだ。Postpone of Olympics was decided however sharing of crisis status information is not sufficient symbolized by K1 match held in Saitama Prefecture couple of days back, so it looks infection explosion and metropolitan lockdown are just around the corner.

ここ2週間で白黒が明確になる。現状では先行感染国の感染拡大曲線上あるが、日本だけは特別だと願いたい。All will be clear in the next two weeks. Currently we are tracing the infection expansion curve made on other infected countries however, I only wish that Japan will be exception.