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AI株価予測トラッキング20200312 コロナ、予備選挙、原油 AI Forecast Tracking20200312 Covid-19, Primaries, Oil

AI株価予測トラッキング20200312 コロナ、予備選挙、原油
 AI Forecast Tracking20200312 Covid-19, Primaries, Oil

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

Covid-19は本格的に世界に広がり深刻度を増す中、中国の感染拡大は落ち着きつつある様子だ。市場は大混乱で、2018年クリスマス暴落を超える下落率となっている。そんな中、原油は生産合意破綻で30ドルに暴落、また、米国予備選で本命のはずだったサンダースが劣勢、為替も円高に振れ、混乱に拍車をかけている。As Covid-19 started to expand globally with serious damage, China's infection looks just hit its peak. Market is under total confusion with equity market fall-off exceeding 2018 X'mas. Meanwhile oil has gone down to 30 level due to failure on agreement on production allotment. Sanders who supposed to win the race failed to take lead in Primaries, FX swings toward JPY appreciation, all these fueled the confusion. 

そんな中、8306MUFGは、本日20200312の下落の後、日足AIは反転を予測した。何度流しても反転になるので、過去20年のチャート学習に基づくと反転してもおかしくない状態になっているのだろう。現在PER6.6/PBR0.32/配当利回り6%である。Under such confusion, 8306MUFG has gone down today 20200312 but AI daily forecast indicated reversion.  It shows stable reversion result after several run, hence I presume that,  based on the chart learning of historical 20 yrs, now it is technically likely to have reversion. Currently PER6.6/PBR0.32/DivYld6%.

2002-3年のSARS時には株価が半値に下落したので、300円台もあり得る。そうなると、配当利回りは8.3%に上昇するが、収益が激減すれば配当も当然見直しとなるリスクがある。Since 2002-3SARS time made price down half, 300 level is not unrealistic. In that case dividend yield will goes up to 8.3% however, there is a risk that if profit goes down, dividend will be revised down. 

世界の危機対応が実を結ぶことを願う。I just hope that all the prevention measures done all over the world will eventually work out.

[米中間選挙]Primaries so far 20200311

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