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AGI (汎用型人工知能) 赤ちゃんモデル AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Baby Model

AGI (汎用型人工知能) 赤ちゃんモデル

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AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Baby Model

Current AI is nothing but generalized interpolation of function however, there is no doubt that recent successful neural net implementation is a great 1st step for human being.

On the other hand, it is clear that there is no AI now at human intelligence level. Lots of chat bots are at the level to be able to see that there is no real understanding done.

Obviously there are lots of hurdles from here to get over to achieve human level intelligence (AGI).

Currently couple of approaches are sought out.

1) Philosophical approach

Create human level intelligence incorporating the functions for language analysis, space recognition etc.

2) Brain analysis approach

Create brain emulator by the study on brain structure.

3) Genetic approach

All related to human are written in gene code after all, so study gene structure.

Approach 3) is the ultimate way and development may accelerate from certain level however there is no chance to go anywhere at this point since genetic code order is almost everything we know but not the way to interpret it.

Approach 2) has better chance than approach 3) since it starts from brain already reflecting the design and actually working.

Approach 1) looks most easy for implementation but unless equipped with auto functionality to investigate and develop brand new things, there will be a constant need for huge system development, hence it will not go beyond expert systems.

Hence I wish to propose 4th approach here. That is Baby Model.

Dazzled by lights and starts breathing by own lang, then get nutrition from milk. Learning starts from this moment. Cry to request for help if things are not going right.

The baby has no understanding on 3D world at the time of birth. Peekaboo makes baby excited since it is a process of understanding of 3D world.

Hand Regard is a phenomena that 3-month baby stares own hands to do open shut. It is a moment when brain and hardware is confirming joint protocol.

Then crawling, walking by holding rail, happy 2-leg walking for the 1st time, matching between visions and words. Understanding of the world.

Lots of studies have been done for the growth process of baby, so why not making use of them. Baby is empty in the beginning but will go after and learn anything driven by curiosity. AGI can be realized by achieving this learning process not from adult model but from baby model.

情報一元化 One Fact One Place








One Fact One Place 

Most company has no repository for essential information.

The bigger the firm, the higher the redundancy.

We see inflation of similar but inconsistent information.

Intentional redundancy helps increase reliability of system.

However, in most cases, redundancy is the source of waste.

Let's start consolidating information from anywhere close to you.


妙義山石門巡りハイキング Mt. Myohgi Stone Gate Trail Hiking


Mt. Myohgi Stone Gate Trail Hiking 

子供と妙義山の石門巡りを日帰りハイキングしてきた。Went down to day hiking to Myohgi-san (Mt.Myohgi) stone gate trail with kids.

東京から電車で2時間で高崎。そこからレンタカー妙義公園駐車場へ1時間。Two hours by train from Tokyo to Takasaki.   Another one hour rental car drive up to Myohgi-san park parking.

JR信越本線の松井田駅からのバスは妙義神社へしか行かないので、妙義公園駐車場へはレンタカーがベター。 Bus from JR Matsuida station (Shinetsu-Honsen) goes only to Myohgi-shrine hence rental car is better to go Myohgi-san park parking.

妙義山が遠くに見えてきた。Myohgi-san started to look afar. 

ノコギリ状の山々がかなりはっきり見えてきた。Zigzag mountain top started to look  very much distinct.

妙義公園駐車場へ到着。石門巡りは駐車場のすぐ上。Arrived at Myohgi-san park parking. Stone gate trail is right above the parking space.

来た道を若干戻ると、Backtracking the road a bit, 

登り口が見えてくる。You will see the entrance to the trail.

案内図があちこちにあり迷子にはならない。No chance to get lost since signs are everywhere. 

上の地図の緑ラインをすべて歩いて戻ってくるコースにした。Decided to take all green line trails on the map above.

多くのクサリ場があり、子供は大喜びだが、危険なのは間違いない。注意して登る。Lots of climbing chain works. Kids were excited but definitely dangerous.  Keep climbing carefully.

大砲岩近く。Near cannon rock.

やっと帰り道。無事でよかった。Finally way back to start point. Happy to be safe. 

中之獄神社の階段。Stairs of shrine Nakanogoku.

境内を通って駐車場へ。To the parking lot through shrine. 

電車+レンタで日帰りハイキングができた。ただ、正直な感想として、このコースは経験者向けで、体力に自信がない場合は避けるのが賢明だと思った。実際、重大事故も起きているようだ。One day trip hiking completed by train & rental car.  However, honestly speaking, I felt this trail is for experienced person, hence it is better to avoid if not really confident about oneself physically. Looks there were actually some serious accidents happened in the past. 


秦野ー鶴巻温泉ハイキング Hatano-Tsurumaki Hotspring Hiking


Hatano-Tsurumaki Hot-spring Hiking

 東京中心から1時間半ぐらいの秦野丹沢の麓町だ。Hatano city. An hour and a half train ride from central Tokyo. This is a town at the foot of Tanzawa mountain area.

水はきれい。秦野の町中を流れる水無川は整備された上下水道のせいか透明度が高い。Water is clear. Mizunashi-river running through center of Hatano is clean probably due to well build sewage system. 

小田急電鉄の「小田急沿線 自然ふれあい歩道 コースマップ」を秦野の駅舎でもらい、弘法山経由、鶴巻温泉への1時間半のコース確認。Got hiking map `Odakyu-line Nature walking course map` at Hatano-station and confirmed 1 and a half hour hiking course to Tsurumaki-hotspring through mount Kohboh. 

 急坂を20分ほど登って、弘法山山頂へ到着。Arrived at the top of Kohbo mountain after climbing steep trail 20 minutes.

 江の島、伊豆半島、富士山が一望できる。一休みしてお弁当。 Panorama covering Enoshima-island, Izu-peninsula, mount-Fuji. Rested for lunch. 

帰りは里山の水田に降りると、オタマジャクシがいっぱい。Went down to rice paddy and found lots of tadpoles.

水田の横にはシオカラトンボも。Also found Shiokara-dragonfly by the rice paddy.

あとは、急行でひと眠りすると新宿到着! Woke up from short nap on the train to find arrived at Shinjuku-station.

VaR変化の要因分析 VaR Change Attribute Analysis


English Follows

銀行の市場リスク管理部に勤めるあなたが、ある日会社に行ってシステムを見ると、あれあれ? VaRが突然増えた!なにが起こったんだ? なにも新規のトレードはしていないのに。



  • VCVの場合
  = BPV X 2.33(C.I.99%) X Vola(%pa) / sqrt(240) X Current MarketLevel(bp)
         VaR = Position X 2.33(C.I.99%) X Vola(%pa) / sqrt(240)

  • Historicalの場合
        VaR =
          Percentile ( BPV X  HistoricalDailyChange(%) X Current MarketLevel(bp) )
          VaR = Percentile (Current Position amt X HistoricalDailyChange(%) )

  • MonteCarloの場合
         VaR = BPV X SimulationChange(%)  X Current MarketLevel(bp)
         VaR = Position X SimulationChange(%)   



VaR Change Attribute Analysis

 One day, you , as a market risk manager of bank, go to office and open up system then find out that VaR increased suddenly! Oh my god, what is going on? No new trade done.

If you deal with fixed income products, check the level change of interest rate 1st. It is because, irrespective of methodologies, the volatility of fixed income products is calculated as a product of interest rate level and annualized % based volatility quote.

If interest rate of the market is around 1% and it increased 5bp, then VaR will increase 5% however, if interest rate is around 5bp and it increased 5bp, VaR will increase for 100%(doubles).

There are couple of approach to calculate VaR.  Calculation method will differ a bit by products. In nutshell, roughly,
  • VCV`s case  
      FixedIncome's case 
  = BPV X 2.33(C.I.99%) X Vola(%pa) / sqrt(240) X Current MarketLevel(bp)
  Equity's case 
         VaR = Position X 2.33(C.I.99%) X Vola(%pa) / sqrt(240)

  • Historical's case
   FixedIncome's case 
        VaR =
          Percentile ( BPV X  HistoricalDailyChange(%) X Current MarketLevel(bp) )
     Equity's case 
       VaR = Percentile (Current Position amt X HistoricalDailyChange(%) )

  • MonteCarlo's case
      FixedIncome's case 
         VaR = BPV X SimulationChange(%)  X Current MarketLevel(bp)
  Equity's case 
         VaR = Position X SimulationChange(%)   

Other check points are,

1) FX change might have impact against denominating base currency used
2) Scenario transition might have impact when historical simulation is used
3) Check if market data is taken properly such as taking only bid when only bid is available etc.


統計的裁定(StatArb)ポートフォリオの例 StatArb (Statistical Arbitrage) Sample Portfolio



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下図のように、東京証券取引所(TSE)上場の1812鹿島(建設)6103オークマ(工作機械)7951ヤマハ( 民生機械)を取り上げてみる。



固有値が最大の有為なモードの固有ベクトルを見ると、(0.32, 0.46, 0.83)と、同一方向への振れとなっている。これは、株1812が0.32動くと、株7951が0.83動く、即ち2.6倍動く(=0.83/0.32)ことが多いことを示唆している。散布図(下図)を見ても、傾きがおおよそ2.6倍になっていることが確認できる。







Stat Arb (Statistical Arbitrage)  Sample Portfolio

Let's look at a simple portfolio of Stat Arb.

As shown below, we take TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange) listed stock 1812 Kajima (construction), stock 6103 Ohkuma (mother machinery) and stock 7951 Yamaha (retail electronics/machine).

Here, co-variance matrix of stock price is calculated as below.

Corresponding eigen values and eigen vectors are shown below.

If we look at the eigen vector with maximum eigen value with maximum significance, (0.32, 0.46, 0.83) indicates the variation to same direction. This means if stock 1812 moves times 0.32, then stock 7951 moves times 0.83, i.e., tends to move 2.6 times (= 0.83/0.32).  Same can be observed in scatter plot below indicating gradient of around 2.6 times.

Need to be careful here that there is no time axis context to this eigen vector.  Object of analysis is a deviation from average only in the observed population. Thus, there is no time axis information, nor market entry timing information. 

One simple trade scheme on pair trade basis here is to trade by making use of 2.6 times bigger sensitivity of stock 1812 compared to stock 7951. If deviation of real price change from statistical change is bigger, judge that spread is widened, then create position (start trading). All these apply the same for the case where dimensions are higher than two here. 

In this example, stock 1812 dropped JPY57 on Jan 18th, hence stock 7951 should have dropped JPY151 (=57*2.637) however, it has gone up JPY10 instead. Hence deviation is JPY161 and exceeding the temporal threshold set as JPY100.  Thus, position to be created is to buy oversold stock 1812 and short-sell corresponding stock 7951. The CF (Cash Flow) for 1 unit buy of stock 1812 is minus, while CF for short sold stock 7951 is plus (ignoring margin). The units of short sold stock 7951 should be divided by relative sensitivity of 2.6 to make final position(portfolio) to be market neutral. The condition for portfolio unwinds is the deviation of market to opposite direction over threshold level of -JPY100.

Risk amount is less than outright portfolio for systemic risk due to offsetting nature of portfolio leaving only spread risk.

Put some notes below in random to be considered but not touched here.

1) Interest rate cost for margins, rules and regulations of market
2) Market liquidity check (such as position size limit < 1/100 of daily volume)
3) Order timing (use end of day price to decide, then trade next morning etc)
4) Scope of time span (millisecond or hour or day, observation period etc)
5) Workflow to choose multiple assets, names, and test to decide portfolio
6) System development (such as for global real time monitoring & auto trading)
7) Threshold to judge buy/sell as well as threshold to decide loss cut
8) Fundamental analysis (on the composition of eigen vector)
9) Normalization of market price (when combining numbers in different scale)


廃校小学校の幼稚園、保育園への無償開放/小子化問題への切り札 Re-Use of Closed Public Schools for Day Nursery - How to Stop Declining Birth Rate -


(English Follows)




  • 事業者にとってコストが抑えられ、進出意欲が増す
  • 新規事業により新規雇用も生まれる
  • 幼稚園、保育園の環境が改善できる
  • 公共財を無駄に寝かせておかず、真に必要な目的のために活用できる
  • 女性の社会進出が大幅に支援される
  • 子育ての障壁が減った女性は一人であきらめていた子供を二人以上産むようになる
  • 結果的に小子化問題は解消する

Re-Use of Closed Public Schools for Day Nursery 
- How to Stop Declining Birth Rate - 

Due to declining kids population, number of public elementary and junior high schools are closed or consolidated. There are lots of closed school buildings in Tokyo metropolitan area left deserted for no use. Meanwhile lots of women with kids cannot go to work due to lack of day nursery.

Offering this unused public facility free to nursery industry will solve the problem with minimum cost.

It is a mission of politics to create social frameworks with minimal expenditure.


  • Higher cost reduction incentive for nursery enterprise
  • New job creation in nursery industry
  • Can improve squeezing infrastructure of nursery in Tokyo metropolitan area
  • Can stop public assets left deserted and unused
  • Great assistance for women with kids to go work
  • Woman who gave up to have two kid can afford extra kid
  • As a result, can stop declining birth rate