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やさしさの構造 Anatomy of Kindness

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目的が実現されないことを泣き叫ぶことで周囲の同情を買い目的を遂行する、いわゆるPoor Me戦略を、相手が本能的にとっている場合もある。


Anatomy of Kindness

A girl gave up one role at school for a crying poor classmate who also wished to take the same role. Nevertheless she wanted to take that role, hence was all in tears when she came back home, then cried.

There was only one role. Either she takes it or give up and find other role. Meanwhile, classmate was crying. Poor girl. Nevertheless her real self wished to take that role...

As kids grow up, they face social tacit mandate to be friend with classmates, help people in trouble, be nice to others, etc.

It was also possible that the poor classmates took `poor me` strategy unconsciously to achieve her objective.

It was a real great training for her at school, to make difficult choice, make reconciliation of her emotion, resetting goal and proceed.