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Dell Inspion 1526、 Windows10での 第二の人生  / Dell Inspiron 1526, 2nd life on Windows 10

Inspion 1526、 

Windows10 での 第二の人生

 (English Follows)

Vista --> Windows 7 --> Windows 10 と 移行することで まだまだ使えます。


1)Windows10はメディア作成のメニューからインストールする。途中、ATI Radeon 1270がサポートされないというメッセージが出てくるが承認する。
2)DellのサイトなどからATI Radeon 1270のドライバをダウンロードする。

Inspiron 1526, 

2nd life on Windows 10

Transition Vista --> Windows 7 --> Windows 10 makes it work much longer life with decent performance

but be aware of following,

1) Install Windows10 from media creation menu but not by standard upgrade menu. Accept message that ATI Radeon 1270 is not supported.
2) Need to download ATI Radeon 1270 drivers from dell sites etc.
3) Execute R205217.exe and expand files as below, C:\dell\drivers\R205217\Packages\Drivers\Display\LH_INF. Here, pls note that installer will not make actual installation but only file expansion.
4) Replace display driver through GUI by specifying file CL_71370 in expanded directory created in 3).
5) If your win10 was upgraded through free upgrade program, there is no Win10 product key exists. At the time of clean installation, install previous version, authenticate, then upgrade to Win10 once more which is free.
6)If only mouse cursor is shown at the time of login, resume full screen by choosing screen by command, Windows-Key+P.