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会社はだれのもの? For Whom the Company Exists?


English follows

「会社は社員のもの? 株主のもの? 経営者のもの? 」







For Whom the Company Exists?

`Is company for workers ? for stock holders?   for managements? `

How can we answer this vague question?

It generally means that someone has real control over the company if the company is for someone.

Under capitalism, company is owned by stock holders.  The it is for investment with risk and return that stock holders expect, by pursuing  self optimization permanently, through replacement of management, starting new business and restructuring.   Managements are entrusted for maximizing the profit while workers perform tasks as assigned by management.

Stockholders have powerful authority while amateur since they are primarily the investors.

Outside of Japan, the company is for managements. It  can be seen by 100 times bigger salary for managements over workers.  It is a functional body with redundancy compensation scheme that makes restructuring much easier.

In Japan, company is for works, employee. Employees are family with salary of top management roughly 10 times as much as workers. The company is a community hence restructuring is difficult.  But now, standardization of redundancy compensation is under discussion & implementation. All then, will need to market to market their market value ready to switch to optimal workplace anytime. Redundancy compensation scheme introduces efficient optimization of society however, it is not in line with Japanese family oriented, self dedicating, life long employment culture. But looks there is no option for Japan survival,  to catch up with dog year progression of global business.