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いい学校、いい会社 Good School / Good Company


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Good School / Good Company

Up until 30yrs ago, it was typical to go good university, then go good company until retirement. Higher education and employment at big company were typical image for success.

Now lifelong employment became illusion, then time comes for periodical revaluation of labor market value of yourself. Even now still, university name works for sometime after freshman however, for further career development, career history, i.e., what you have done, means most.

If you know what you want to do even before entrance exam for university, it is better building up career as soon as possible or start up business on your own to have great success.  However, if you do not know what you want to do, it will be better to finish up good university and go any company, then think what you really want to do. Japanese company get massive freshman, then educate to let them start up in society anyway.

For freshman, good school and good company approach still provides some risk hedge and safety net, nevertheless not really effective as before.