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プログラミングの楽しさ Fun of Programming


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Fun of Programming

Programming is fun.

In 1980's, I did card deck input, line printer output on IBM360, later TSS terminal. Stayed in TSS room from morning to night. Recall, microcomputer was TK80 that time.  Joined company and found paper-tape-input based computer was used extensive. Later, I had mini computer with CRT in office.  Editor was Vi. PCs are all 8 bit and disks were floppy.  Japanese word processor was everywhere and spread sheet software Multi Plan was just released. Apple was expensive while Windows was very unstable. People used programmable calculator. There was not internet.

The power of computer made me crazy. Computer executes lots of calculations impossible to do by hand. I thought it was an accelerator of intelligence.

40yrs later, computer language, development environment and speed were improved drastically. Let`s challenge programming once more after 30yrs,  remembering the 1st impression when I touched computer for the 1st time!