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限界集落日本の行方 Village Japan Going Extinct


English follows











15歳未満人口1600万人 x 100万円/年 = 16兆円/年




Village Japan Going Extinct

Population is decreasing. Young generation exit village and head for city.  Local villages go back to nature and city will be crowded. 

For whole Japan, 0.3bn population at Meiji era, 0.7bn at industrialization era, 1.2bn at end of high growth era, but 20 years later, will go back to 1bn, then 0.4bn after 80 years.

It is sad to see population decreasing. If I look people in the office, majorities in the office are either not married, married but no wish to have kids, or wish to have only one kid. It is said that it is due to high standard of living, social split, higher education for woman, etc. etc.

Living in infrastructure for 1.2bn population by 0.4bn population. It looks pretty unreal although it is a gradual change during 80 years. There will be continuous decommission of services that lacks economic rational. Clothes, foods, electricity, gas, water, house, train and car, roads and rails, school, everything will be required only 1/3 of now. While GDP of China is already 3 times a high as Japan, Japan's GDP will be JPY150tr, down from current JPY500tr. Probably same position as Netherlands.

But.. Are you guys really ok with this ? 

We still have a way to get away from this main scenario.

It is,

'Government pays all costs to bring up kids'

Roughly JPY1mn per year will be a direct cost. Then,

Population under 15yrs old 16mn x JPY1mn/yr = JPY16tr/yr

`If we can restore Japan by JPY16tr/yr, it will be cheap'. JPY16tr is not that big compared to recent annual JGB balance increase around JPY20tr.

I expect hundreds of objections to this proposal. However all should admit that there will be no show without actors. Short time foreign labor solution, that government employ currently, is too easy. Japan should pioneer Japan special model.

Population is the source of power for country.