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ホームスタープロ 2nd Edition 修理 Homestar Pro 2nd Edition Pulley Belt Replacement

ホームスタープロ 2nd Edition 修理 

English follows

セガトイズのホームスタープロ 2nd Editionの回転機能は、プーリーベルトの経年劣化による破断により定期的に故障する。定期的なプーリーベルトの交換が必要。


Rubber belt(square) Diam25mm × Width0.95mm(Square) × 2 pieces
Rubber belt(square) Diam40mm × Width0.95mm(Square) × 1 piece

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Homestar Pro 2nd Edition Pulley Belt Replacement

SegaToys Homestar Pro 2nd edition rotating function goes down periodically due to aging of pulley rubber belts that run out to be replaced.

Two options.

1) Call SegaToys for help ( recommended )
2) DIY on your own risk
Parts required
Rubber belt(square) Diam25mm × Width0.95mm(Square) × 2 pieces
Rubber belt(square) Diam40mm × Width0.95mm(Square) × 1 piece

How to replace
Find youtube by below search. Exact version cannot be found but helpful to feel how structure looks like.

Find Youtube Video

Note that Homestar Pro 2nd edition is more complex than previous version. Gear box needs to be disassembled to replace belt. Recommended to take pictures just in case whole gear box goes apart.

OutlookカレンダーからGoogleカレンダーへの同期 Schedule replication from Outlook to Google calendar


English follows

Google Homeで予定を読み上げさせたい。だけれど、スケジュールはOutlookで管理している。この場合、OutlookカレンダーからGoogleカレンダーへの同期が利用できる。




Schedule replication from Outlook to Google calendar

Wish to make Google Home answer for schedule. However, schedule is controlled by Outlook. In this case, schedule replication from Outlook to Google calendar can be utilized.

It is called Flow.

Once you login to Microsoft, Templates are ready.

Once setups are done, Google home starts to reply for schedule you input in Outlook scheduler.


統計的裁定(スタットアーブ)の考え方 How Stat Arb(Statistical Arbitrage) Works?

(English follows)




How Stat Arb(Statistical Arbitrage) Works?

Statistical arbitrage is a fund management method applicable irrespective of investment terms or asset class. It is called arbitrage but it is taking risk as historically known `pair trade`, extended to multiple assets powered by statistical math.

Step1) Perform principal component analysis (=eigenvalue analysis) on time series of target assets to get principal components (eigen vectors). Here principal components (eigen vector) become asset weight of stat arb portfolio. We get as many eigen vectors as number of freedoms however, only few upper modes are significant.
Step2) Apply historical time series to stat arb portfolio consists of significant mode to see portfolio value movement on historical basis(charts). Choose mode that shows market neutral as well as some reversion characteristics and set threshold level for buy/sell.
Step3) Conduct test management to check performance.

1)Stock, Bond, Currency, Commodity can be co-mingled.
2) Resulting significant eigen vector does not necessarily have logical explanation (but try to find out as best as possible before making actual investment).
3) Historical time series sample period should match the period you want to capture statistical characteristics.
4) Milliseconds data is required to make milliseconds investment (HFT) capturing market characteristics valid during milliseconds.

Dell Inspion 1526、 Windows10での 第二の人生  / Dell Inspiron 1526, 2nd life on Windows 10

Inspion 1526、 

Windows10 での 第二の人生

 (English Follows)

Vista --> Windows 7 --> Windows 10 と 移行することで まだまだ使えます。


1)Windows10はメディア作成のメニューからインストールする。途中、ATI Radeon 1270がサポートされないというメッセージが出てくるが承認する。
2)DellのサイトなどからATI Radeon 1270のドライバをダウンロードする。

Inspiron 1526, 

2nd life on Windows 10

Transition Vista --> Windows 7 --> Windows 10 makes it work much longer life with decent performance

but be aware of following,

1) Install Windows10 from media creation menu but not by standard upgrade menu. Accept message that ATI Radeon 1270 is not supported.
2) Need to download ATI Radeon 1270 drivers from dell sites etc.
3) Execute R205217.exe and expand files as below, C:\dell\drivers\R205217\Packages\Drivers\Display\LH_INF. Here, pls note that installer will not make actual installation but only file expansion.
4) Replace display driver through GUI by specifying file CL_71370 in expanded directory created in 3).
5) If your win10 was upgraded through free upgrade program, there is no Win10 product key exists. At the time of clean installation, install previous version, authenticate, then upgrade to Win10 once more which is free.
6)If only mouse cursor is shown at the time of login, resume full screen by choosing screen by command, Windows-Key+P.

ビットコインの未来 The Future of Bit Coin [ Added 20230429 ]


English follows


  • 一切の法規、政策と無縁であるため、通貨政策失敗による破綻はあり得ない。
  • 為政者による、財政赤字抹消のための計画ハイパーインフレ(財政規律を無視した通貨発行)などの、通貨悪用からは無縁である。インフレ税は仕組み上不可能。
  • 通貨供給量が固定されているため、ハイパーインフレが発生しない。
  • 創業者が巨額の利益を得ることができる。ある意味ビッグビジネス。
  • 国内間、国外間の価値の移転が瞬時に可能。
  • 通貨として究極的に重要な、価値の安定性を維持できない。それは通貨供給量が限定されているため、需給による価格が暴騰を管理できないから。通常の通貨なら為替介入により調整が可能。
  • 政府、法規とは一切関係ない超法規的存在なため、何があっても誰も最終的には守ってくれない。
  • 創業者の発行益は莫大なため、新規参入のインセンティブは半端でない。数を規制する決まりも何もないため、無限の同様なビットコインがコピペのように作られ、コモディティーとなる。結果、暴騰は暴落となり適当な相場に戻る。
  • 国家は、国内間、国外間の価値の移転を捕捉することもできないし、規制もできない。マネロン天国。

ビットコインの会計処理 (すべての為替レートは単純化のため1と仮定)

BIT 1 / GBP 1

USD 1 / BIT 1




100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY

Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT ビットコイン / Mining Cost etc
 Mining Cost etcはWIPと考えればよくマッチする。工場で一品生産する仕訳と同じ。アセットは1BITコインだ。

  200JPY CASH / 1BIT ビットコイン
          /   儲け JPY100

100JPY CASH   / Equity 100JPY
Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT ビットコイン  / Mining Cost etc
200JPY CASH  / 1BIT ビットコイン
         / 創業者儲け JPY100




最初金と交換して発行した通貨が、金との交換を遮断し、独自に政府の信用で流通するようになった現代。ビットコインが最初に交換する価値は何だろう?ビットコインは金の代わりに各国の通貨と交換して始まった。これは自然だ。ただ、「埋蔵量」が決まっているため、ビットコインで世の中の価値をすべて表現しようとすると、価値が無限大に増加する。 金がなぜ、世界の基準通貨とならなかったかを考えてみよう。それは、金では世界の価値をすべて表すことはできないからだ。金の可搬性もあるが、金と一対一の価値では世の中の価値をすべては表せない。理論的には可能だが(金の暴騰)、人類はこの方法を選ばなかった。このため、金の価値と切り離した通貨が発行された。


では、どのような改善が必要だろう? ビットコインが人類の共通通貨として存在し、かつ、新規通貨発行は、「マイニング」などによる、まやかしでなくて、各国の中央銀行、財務省により財政収支を維持しながら管理されれば、次の次元へと進化していける。現在のままでは未来は限定される。



[ Added 20230429 ]


The Future of Bit Coin



  • Totally free from law, policy. No chance of failure as a result of poor currency policy.
  • Totally free from abuse of currency issuance by government ignoring budget discipline.
  • No chance of hyper-inflation due to maximum currency supply possible.
  • Initiator can make huge money. Big business as a bit coin setup in a sense.


  • Cannot keep stability of value that is the ultimate must feature of currency. This is because price changes due to demand & supply as only limited amount can be issued, hence market intervention becomes impossible unlike normal currency.
  • Nobody will help you ultimately if something happen since there is no protection by government or law.
  • Huge incentive to enter into this business since there is huge gain for initiator. No rule to limit number of similar coins to start, then will result in infinite number of similar bit coins in the market just like copy & paste on pc, then eventually makes bit coin just a commodity. As a result, price will go down to reasonable level.
  • Nation cannot track the transfer of value neither for domestic or for cross border.  No regulation enforcement is possible. Money laundering heaven.

Accounting of bit Coin (assuming all FX rate is 1 for simplification)

[2ndly market accounting]
step1.Pay 1 GBP and get 1 BIT coin
       BIT 1 / GBP 1

step2.Pay 1Bit coin and get 1 USD
       USD 1 / BIT 1

Where the bit coin comes from used for exchange in step 1? Bit coin with limited supply should inflate to meet demand of worldwide fx exchange.

[primary market accounting]
Initiator of bit coin earns profit by mining limited coin and sell it in exchange for existing currencies. Accounting will be following.

step1.Bit coin generation

 1st, there is money. Assume JPY100
  100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY

 Buy equipemnts, design and do mining to create bit coin
  Mining Cost etc.  / 100JPY Cash
  1BIT bit coin / Mining Cost etc.
 Mining Cost etc. is WIP (work in process). Same accounting as build on order. Here asset created is 1 bit coin.

step2.Sale of bit coin

 Sell 1 bit coin for JPY200
  200JPY CASH / 1BIT bit coin
  / gain JPY100

The total balance sheet picture will be following
 100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY
   Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
  1BIT bit coin / Mining Cost etc
  200JPY CASH / 1BIT bit coin
           / gain of initiator JPY100

You can see that to maximize profit, initiator can complete mining for whole amount however, looks it is not done for the most popular bit coin in the market.

The future of bit coin

Bit coin is a computer system after all, hence if all know that initiator can make trillion, then same kind of coin will be generated infinite. Commodities such as gold cannot be copied however computer system is different. If similar coin is provided infinite, bit coins will not be scarce anymore, then ended up with just payment system. The initiator will launch another one after making decent money for the 1st one. The block chain technology itself can be made use of extensive elsewhere going forward.

JPY is a currency Japan issue. Japan can enjoy gain (seigniorage) by issuing perpetual sovereign (although it is now prohibited by law) purchased direct/indirect by central bank(so called helicopter money). To do similar, you need to make another nation but it is tough.

The modern society that stopped exchange of note to gold purely now depending on credit of the nation. What is the 1st value bit coin is exchanged. Bit coin started by exchanging for real currencies. This is natural. However, due to limited amount of coin, the price will inflate infinite if tried to represent all value of the world. Think why gold could not take position of world currency. It is because gold cannot represent whole value of the world. Of-course mobility of gold is one factor but gold cannot represent world value one to one. Theoretically possible by inflating gold price infinite by human kind did not chose this approach. Instead, currency decoupled with gold value was issued.

It is tough to create nation but bit coin can be reproduced since it is merely a computer system. In the internet world, simply by putting application at Google Store, everybody will install themselves. From now, infinite number of bit coin X will be born(*). And the value can only deflate by not inflate. Probably credit card company may jump in call the currency like 1 VISA or 1 Master.

What kind of improvement is required then? Bit coin can go another dimension if it is controlled by central bank and ministry of finance by keeping national budget balance where new currency issue is done explicit rather than "mining".

However, need to admit that there is no uniform theory on money supply, hence human being`s macro economy management still depends on try and error. How far seigniorage can be justified by government/central bank? How strict the national budget discipline should be maintained? All are far from final conclusion. If you see hyper-inflation of developing countries, currency competition and Kurodanomics for the last 10yrs, you will understand what it means. The disbelief to the government can be one of the reasons for the bit coin popularity.

Probably now it is time for economics to show how competent they are.

[ Added 20230429 ]

(*)As of 2022, there are over 9,000 currencies as predicted. 

価値 Value


-English Follows-




... しばらくして王様はようやく理解した。 が、遅かった。



There exists a greedy and selfish king, suspicious of everybody, who wanted to get more and more money in the world.

He had no remorse to get rid of all opponents then became the only human being left in the world.

The king became the richest in the world.

.. Soon the king realized, but it was too late,

that money has value only when there exists human society to appreciate.

ドーナッツ Donuts




The value of life is measured, in a sense, by the number of donuts you made with kids.

黒田日銀  次の一手 Kuroda-BOJ.. What's next?

黒田日銀 .. 次の一手

(English Follows)









  マイナス金利というショッキングな政策。でもこれも「張り子のトラ」。前年度までの日銀準備預金残高までは0.1%の金利が付く。それ以上の額についてだけー0.1%の金利がつくのだ。そして、この0.1%金利は国債を買うための資金を市中銀行から預金してもらうために必要不可欠。ここまでマイナスにすると、国債を買うお金を紙幣発行に頼ることになり、ハイパーインフレの種をまいてしまう。 これが「実は人畜無害な空っぽ政策」の理由2。












  デフレ原因の見誤り -- 勃興新興国からの安価な優良商品の流入が真の原因
  少子高齢化 ーー 子供は国家でそだてる大改革。定年制廃止は必須。
  硬直規制 -- インターネットTVを国家ぐるみで潰したツケは重い
  移民規制 -- 2極化を防ぎながら移民を受け入れる方法を考えないと
  社会保障費増大 -- 健康で病院に行かないと保険料が減る仕組みなどの検討
  閉鎖的文化 -- 海外に興味ない若者の増大。
  周辺国の勃興 -- 中国が本格的に立ち上がり普及品ではもう勝てない


Kuroda-BOJ .. What's next

Kurodanomics was born from Abenomics. But many aware that its real nature is 'hollow harmless policy' backed by governor Kuroda's great stand play performance only.

Number of tricky measures governor Kuroda launches has been cheered as 'Kuroda bazooka'. Such measures include BOJ (Bank of Japan)'s massive purchase of JGB (Japanese Government Bond) to increase money supply and eventually creates inflation artificially. Here we are going to examine the real nature of Kurodanomics and wish to propose what Japan needs to do going forward.

1) Massive JGB purchase

  I believe I am not the only one who was surprised at the unintentional matching of 2018 year-end balance sheet of NYFEDS, ECB, BOJ. Why the balance sheet of different countries targeting QE (Quantitative easing) looks identical although economy size are different each other. The real story is ECB and BOJ copied the NYFEDS approach however, many may think that it is not really necessary to make it identical figures. Is this a sort of joke?

Before QE

After QE

Before the QE, the balance sheet composition was sovereign $1tr / note $1tr however, after QE, it expanded for sovereign $3tr / bank deposits $3tr. Instead of 'great central banks are buying sovereigns', central banks are buying sovereigns just by the money sucked up from market central banks are buying sovereigns just by creating monetary base fixed under negative interest rate policy(Corrected 20210110). No wonder why we do not see increase of money supply. This is the reason #1 why the policy is 'hollow harmless'.

2) Negative interest rate

   Real shocking negative interest rate policy. However, this is also just facade. The central bank reserve interest rate is still providing 0.1% up to the previous year's balance and -0.1% is charged only above that level. And this 0.1% is essential to absorb bank deposit to purchase JGB. If BOJ makes all reserve rate as negative, BOJ needs to depend note issuance for JGB funding, hence can invite seed toward hyper-inflation. The is the reason #2 why the policy is 'hollow and harmless'.

3) Hedge fund, governor Shirakawa, JPY depreciation

  Up until governor Shirakawa, BOJ has been named itself as a guardian of currency. It is a great thing to keep the value of currency. However, Japan protected currency too much to the point to drive it go appreciated to the level of 80JPY/USD, then the level totally devastated export industry together with the impact from real development of emerging countries. Governor Kuroda looked at this and decided to have special performance, i.e., Japan will also join currency war by over driving economic policies, BOJ will buy huge amount of JGBs. Listening to this message, long awaiting hedge funds did short on JPY and JPY/USD went up to 120JPY/USD.

  Governor Kuroda is just playing a role of villain as if he is inflation fundamentalist however, his real nature is no difference compared to ex-governor Shirakawa, i.e., guardian of currency. Thus, actually he is most far from ideas such as inflation tax, or bowing up national debt by hyper-inflation. But in Kuroda theater, he is pretending as if he is going to create situation close.

4)Inflation target, FED, BOJ

  FED expanded B/S to avoid liquidity crisis after Lehman shock, hence there is no inflation target context in QE in US. While BOJ is different. BOJ labeled itself as "deflation-fighter". So BOJ may have plan actually to print money(note) expanded from current $1tr equivalent balance to $1.1tr level. Corresponding funding balance by bank deposit can be guided down to $2.9tr from $3tr by lowering O/N reserve rate from current 0.1% down to 0%. Then 'print money to purchase JGB' situation is finally realized for the 1st time after QE started, providing strong message together with actual real impact.

  However the real nature of show-man Kuroda is actually a solid guardian of currency, he may have huge psychological obstacle to print money going beyond current QE framework built for each central banks. Hence current hollow policy will be hollow how far it goes, no difference however escaping criticisms by calling policy as yield curve control, that is no difference from previous BOJ's market operations, hence there is nothing new.

  No worry if Japanese economy recovers but if not, will be a time for this forbidden policy 'money printing' to come around? It is scary that there is no law limiting the amount of note issuance. Govenor Kuroda does not refer to this approach at all since he knows the serious impact. Ultimately, inflation will definitely occur if we shift central bank balance sheet as below. If you look below balance sheet close, you can find out that it is now beyond hollow and harmless but coming with real bullet.This approach makes it possible to achieve inflation technically while keeping Ricardian.

(Note)Will be same result when bank deposit are withdrawn by central bank note but here, assuming the case that bank deposit are withdrawn by bank transfer, then Sovereign are not sold funded by corresponding central bank note issuance.

5)So what Japan should do?

  Current problem of Japan cannot be resolved by monetary approach only. The best thing that governor Kuroda can do is to avoid higher JPY appreciation lower than 90JPY/USD. Credit is easy to lose by difficult to acquire for currency. JPY depreciation & 2% inflation can be achieved quite easy if BOJ starts printing notes.

  However, the real problems of Japan are rather deep such as erroneous recognition of root cause of deflation, aging population, dead lock regulations, barrier for immigration, expanding social welfare. It is a serious problem that no real discussion is going on among lawmakers on these.

Wrong understanding of deflation -- root cause is the cheap good products from emerging countries.

Aging -- Bring up kids under national support. Abolish age limit.
Strict regulation -- Totally regretful nation-wide anti Internet TV campaign
Immigration -- Need to improvise way to accept immigrants while avoiding social dichotomization.
Social welfare expansion -- Mechanism to get benefit if stay in healthy such as reduction of health insurance etc.
Closed society -- Increasing number of younger generations with no interest on outside Japan
Emerging countries -- China really started to take off and cannot complete for commodities anymore

  There should be numerous ways to revive Japan. Instead of over-driving monetary policy, much more efficient to discuss ideas how to revive Japan.


最近「はやり」のAI の現実・AIはあなたの仕事を奪えない The Reality of Booming AI / AI can NOT take your JOB

最近「はやり」のAI の現実

English Follows



1980年代 論理を数多く集積してAIを作ろうとしたが、うまくいかなかった。
1990年代 神経回路をまねたニューラルネットが登場したが、計算機の能力が低すぎ、シンプルな問題にしか対応できず、実用とはならなかった。
2000年代 計算機の能力が1000倍以上になり、ニューラルネットが複雑な問題にも適用可能となり、実用的になりだした。
2010年代 ルールを与えただけのAI同士の対局学習で、世界最強の囲碁AIが誕生。













Y = F(X) ここで Yは出力ベクトル、Xは入力ベクトル、Fは関数の行列(テンソル)である。


Fの調整(学習)は、ニューラルネットからの出力と、実際の出力データとの誤差を目的関数とした最急降下法により、ニューラルネットの層ごとに出力層から入力層に向けて後ろ向きに段階的に伝播する(Back Propagate)ように行われる。調整するものは、ノードを結ぶ結合の重みである。




The Reality of Booming AI

Since one year back, we started seeing lots of articles everywhere telling that AI will soon take over human jobs however, current level of AI is far from it.

Let's wrap the history of AI at the point of May 2019.

1980's Tried to build AI by integrating lots of logic but it did not work.
1990's Neural net was invented mimicking brain structure however, due to poor computer performance, it could handle only simple problem then not really practical. 
2000's Computer performance advanced 1000 times, the neural net then could handle complex problems, then its practicality increased.
2010's World strongest GO AI was build by giving only rule of GO but not strategy.

AI disturbance this time started from the success of neutral net on AI GO. Three days study made AI surpassed GO history over 3000 years in China. Many then thought, why not AI will take over human job very soon?

However, if you actually run neural net, you will see that will be far away in future that such job takeover will happen. Currently, major development environment Keras/Tensorflow is open for all for education purpose.

Neural network, in nutshell, is an interpolation(estimation) function. Below shows function of two dimensional classification. Estimating(Learning) function to classify two dimensional space into two area.

In neural net, input layer(left in below diagram) and output layer(right in below diagram) is connected with weights between many neurons( 3 hidden layer in below diagram). The point is, the more complex the network becomes with lots more nodes and layers(deep learning), then it can emulate most of functions.

In general, lots of `problems` have input and output processed by some function.

In most of cases, the process(function) is known, then questioned,

  What is the input when out put is known?
    What is the output when input is known?

In neural net, the question will be,

  What is the process(function), when input and output is known.

Neural net only approximately emulate original function, i.e., it cannot solve original process function but can create emulation function that works as best estimate of original functions. If target function is in higher order, then neural net also needs to be multiple layers and many nodes(you can test here).

In equation, 

Y = F(X) where Y is an output vector、X is an input vector、F is a function matrix(tensor).

Output vector(Y) is a vector of results. Input vector(Y) is the condition to get results, then function matrix F is function to transform input into output, finally, learning is to adjust F to generate approximate result expected for the input.

Adjustment(learning) of F is done through steepest gradient descent method by setting objective function as difference between output and target result, from output layer to input layer one by one as if back propagating. Adjustment is done for the weight connecting nodes.

Steepest gradient descent method is, in nutshell, a multi dimensional Newton-Raphson  method.  The reason for using layer by layer iteration(back propagation) is to reduce calculation workload for low profile computer, hence if computer is fast enough, convergence iteration can be done all at once.

In 1990's, due to limitation of computer process speed, only simple neural network was realistic implementation, hence as a result, approximation was made only for simple function but not for complex function that come across for practical problem.  This is the reason why neural net boom phase-I faded away.

Now calculation speed is 1000 times faster and neural network finally became practical however, it's real nature remains as function interpolation, only as a part of brain function. Hence "plausible" article listing jobs taken by AI will be real only for less than 1/1000 of jobs listed. 


会社はだれのもの? For Whom the Company Exists?


English follows

「会社は社員のもの? 株主のもの? 経営者のもの? 」







For Whom the Company Exists?

`Is company for workers ? for stock holders?   for managements? `

How can we answer this vague question?

It generally means that someone has real control over the company if the company is for someone.

Under capitalism, company is owned by stock holders.  The it is for investment with risk and return that stock holders expect, by pursuing  self optimization permanently, through replacement of management, starting new business and restructuring.   Managements are entrusted for maximizing the profit while workers perform tasks as assigned by management.

Stockholders have powerful authority while amateur since they are primarily the investors.

Outside of Japan, the company is for managements. It  can be seen by 100 times bigger salary for managements over workers.  It is a functional body with redundancy compensation scheme that makes restructuring much easier.

In Japan, company is for works, employee. Employees are family with salary of top management roughly 10 times as much as workers. The company is a community hence restructuring is difficult.  But now, standardization of redundancy compensation is under discussion & implementation. All then, will need to market to market their market value ready to switch to optimal workplace anytime. Redundancy compensation scheme introduces efficient optimization of society however, it is not in line with Japanese family oriented, self dedicating, life long employment culture. But looks there is no option for Japan survival,  to catch up with dog year progression of global business.


限界集落日本の行方 Village Japan Going Extinct


English follows











15歳未満人口1600万人 x 100万円/年 = 16兆円/年




Village Japan Going Extinct

Population is decreasing. Young generation exit village and head for city.  Local villages go back to nature and city will be crowded. 

For whole Japan, 0.3bn population at Meiji era, 0.7bn at industrialization era, 1.2bn at end of high growth era, but 20 years later, will go back to 1bn, then 0.4bn after 80 years.

It is sad to see population decreasing. If I look people in the office, majorities in the office are either not married, married but no wish to have kids, or wish to have only one kid. It is said that it is due to high standard of living, social split, higher education for woman, etc. etc.

Living in infrastructure for 1.2bn population by 0.4bn population. It looks pretty unreal although it is a gradual change during 80 years. There will be continuous decommission of services that lacks economic rational. Clothes, foods, electricity, gas, water, house, train and car, roads and rails, school, everything will be required only 1/3 of now. While GDP of China is already 3 times a high as Japan, Japan's GDP will be JPY150tr, down from current JPY500tr. Probably same position as Netherlands.

But.. Are you guys really ok with this ? 

We still have a way to get away from this main scenario.

It is,

'Government pays all costs to bring up kids'

Roughly JPY1mn per year will be a direct cost. Then,

Population under 15yrs old 16mn x JPY1mn/yr = JPY16tr/yr

`If we can restore Japan by JPY16tr/yr, it will be cheap'. JPY16tr is not that big compared to recent annual JGB balance increase around JPY20tr.

I expect hundreds of objections to this proposal. However all should admit that there will be no show without actors. Short time foreign labor solution, that government employ currently, is too easy. Japan should pioneer Japan special model.

Population is the source of power for country.


やさしさの構造 Anatomy of Kindness

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目的が実現されないことを泣き叫ぶことで周囲の同情を買い目的を遂行する、いわゆるPoor Me戦略を、相手が本能的にとっている場合もある。


Anatomy of Kindness

A girl gave up one role at school for a crying poor classmate who also wished to take the same role. Nevertheless she wanted to take that role, hence was all in tears when she came back home, then cried.

There was only one role. Either she takes it or give up and find other role. Meanwhile, classmate was crying. Poor girl. Nevertheless her real self wished to take that role...

As kids grow up, they face social tacit mandate to be friend with classmates, help people in trouble, be nice to others, etc.

It was also possible that the poor classmates took `poor me` strategy unconsciously to achieve her objective.

It was a real great training for her at school, to make difficult choice, make reconciliation of her emotion, resetting goal and proceed.


ITコンサル行脚 IT Consulting Tour






IT Consulting Tour

Heard of one guy travelling around county sides for IT consulting riding converted truck.

Now we are living in a regime where IT changes whole game especially in countrysides however, IT literacy there, is sometimes minimal.  So he sleeps on the track for cost cut then has been helping people just like Kurosawa`s 7-Samurai, going around Japan for IT consulting.

Lots of new demands can be created just by putting them up on internet.  There is another story on a guy challenging internet marketing for minor fishes.  There are quite a few minor fishes when fisherman pull out fishing net from sea, but those minor fishes are either thrown away on spot or consumed by locals who know how to cook. He saw such as a waste, then uploaded minor fish info on web, then shipped to customers.

These types of developments should be everywhere global. Dig up new demand connecting to supplier.  Modern market is in cyber space. There will be unlimited work to be done.


プログラミングの楽しさ Fun of Programming


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Fun of Programming

Programming is fun.

In 1980's, I did card deck input, line printer output on IBM360, later TSS terminal. Stayed in TSS room from morning to night. Recall, microcomputer was TK80 that time.  Joined company and found paper-tape-input based computer was used extensive. Later, I had mini computer with CRT in office.  Editor was Vi. PCs are all 8 bit and disks were floppy.  Japanese word processor was everywhere and spread sheet software Multi Plan was just released. Apple was expensive while Windows was very unstable. People used programmable calculator. There was not internet.

The power of computer made me crazy. Computer executes lots of calculations impossible to do by hand. I thought it was an accelerator of intelligence.

40yrs later, computer language, development environment and speed were improved drastically. Let`s challenge programming once more after 30yrs,  remembering the 1st impression when I touched computer for the 1st time!


いい学校、いい会社 Good School / Good Company


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Good School / Good Company

Up until 30yrs ago, it was typical to go good university, then go good company until retirement. Higher education and employment at big company were typical image for success.

Now lifelong employment became illusion, then time comes for periodical revaluation of labor market value of yourself. Even now still, university name works for sometime after freshman however, for further career development, career history, i.e., what you have done, means most.

If you know what you want to do even before entrance exam for university, it is better building up career as soon as possible or start up business on your own to have great success.  However, if you do not know what you want to do, it will be better to finish up good university and go any company, then think what you really want to do. Japanese company get massive freshman, then educate to let them start up in society anyway.

For freshman, good school and good company approach still provides some risk hedge and safety net, nevertheless not really effective as before.


人間と動物 Human and Animal


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Human and Animal 

Animal brain(cerebellum) covered by human brain(cerebrum), the structure of human brain.

Human behavior is lead by animal brain as well as human brain on case by case.

Even if you wish to live on reason only, you will face problem at end of day since we cannot ignore the animal aspect of human being. However, if we ignore reason and depend of animal brain only, then human stops to be human.

How far human reason develops, human will not be a pure spiritual existence deviating from animal, but rather, human is human since human exists bound by physical constraints including animal brain.  It will be very boring if we are the only spiritual existence.

Animal aspects and reason should be treated in equal but moral of human society tends to be dominated by reason but not making much of animal aspects. Wish to live balancing between animal and reason.


プレゼンの基本ポイント Basic Tips for Presentation 


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Tips for Presentation

1)Focus on 3 points concisely. No need to be cover all points. 
2)Even if you wish to cover all, intentionally leave other points for questions that may come later.
3)Make power point concise and optimum.
4)To answer for questions from audience, reply answer 1st, then explain further details.  If do not know the answer, explicitly states that you do not know. 
5)Speak slowly with confidence and loud crisp voice.
6)Adjust level of contents depending on the level of audience. 
7)Record presentation and watch/listen later. 
8)Let others speak. Be a good listener. 

Basics but tend to forget.  Rather important points. With confidence is especially important. If you look not confident when you speak, you tend to be cornered by lots of questions. 

ピアノ初心者、コード奏法の勧め Piano Beginners, Chord Method Proposal


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自分でいろいろやってもわからないから、教室に通う。なんとか1曲弾けるようになる! 楽しい! 











Piano Beginners, Chord Method Proposal

Lots of people wish to play piano/keyboards.  'I wish I can play lots of music on piano....'.

Many, then go music school since have no clue where to start. Managed to be able to play one piece! Great, it's fun! 

Next piece, starting from score reading, then managed to play again! 

But, if going to play one more time, starting to feel tired and no energy to work on anymore.. Also aware that they cannot play the 1st piece well anymore. 

Real time performance by reading sheet for right and left hand at 1st glance will be far away.

Most people give up until they reach up to that level, then walk off from piano. 

The tragedy of piano education stems from this single teaching approach for all irrespective of student's profile, armature/hobby oriented or professional oriented. This drove many people, who simply wished to play piano for hobby basis, giving up half way.

Is there any way to stop this? 

Yes there is! This can be solved by introduction of chord method. Real professional oriented people can use existing method, while hobby-oriented people can use this simple piano playing method, chord method. Chord method is a simple piano playing method playing melody on right hand while playing base chord by left-hand.  Musical score for chord method has chord instead of left hand notes, just like typical Jazz score. I put together my version in https://youtu.be/h-PB4s8zUZ4 but same can be found in many other sites also. Historically this approach is used among Jazz, Popular musicians however, introduction to piano beginner's education is not done widely. 

The impact of introduction of chord play method will be enormous.  The potential user of piano will drastically increase once it is known public that piano can be played so easily. The concept is the segmentation of piano user's demand from marketing point of view.

I wish this article is read by all who wish to play piano to make them happy after all.