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AI 株価予測 20201113の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201113 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20201113の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201113 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20201106Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

ワクチン有効報道で、株価はNYで大きく上昇、世界も追従した。NASDAQよりダウ平均が伸び、ハイテクからバリュー株への乗り換え、K回復の解消を感じさせた。News on the development of effective vaccine drove stock price big-rise in NY followed by global market. Dow industrial advanced over NASDAQ, making me realize the resumption from K recovery to overall recovery, namely a switch from high-tech to value. 

月足もレンジを上抜けした。Monthly chart also broke range upward. 

8306MUFGは市場に追従し上昇したが、480円は抜けていないため、3LBに変化はない。8306MUFG advanced also following market however, there is no change on 3LB since price did not broke 480. 

バイデンは公式には大統領には認定されていないが、認定を前提に外交活動を開始した。一方、不正選挙訴訟と調査結果が、僅差の選挙結果を覆すかは不明で目が離せない。訴訟の結果12月中旬まで選挙結果が確定しない場合、州議会、州知事レベル、次に、下院レベルによる最終決定となるようで、それでまだ決着されない場合、最高裁まで争われるようだ。Biden is not officially endorsed as president however, he already started foreign relations on the assumption of official victory.  Meanwhile, it is hard to say which side will win under the hair-breadth election as a result of investigation and law suite of election fraud if any. If law suites can not be concluded by mid Dec, state congress, state governor, then house of representatives will decide, but it still not,  it will go supreme court for final official decision. 

また、バイデンは増税を公約に掲げているが、上院を共和党が抑えている限り動けないようだ。このため、選挙結果にかかわらず、状況は現在とはさほど変わらないという観測もある。Besideis, Biden's tax increase may not be achieved due to the Republican majority in house of consulate. Hence some observes that irrespective of the election result, situation may not differ much. 

経済再開の下、コロナの感染者、死亡者数とも増加傾向にある。ワクチンは完成間近ということだ。コロナが始まってから、もうすぐ一年近くになる。さまざまな薬が試され、効果もわかってきたものの、先進国の中で妥当な対応ができている国は皆無だ。このコロナを生き延びられるかどうかはまさに個人個人に委ねられたと言っていいだろう。Under the reopening of the economy, the number of infections as well as death toll is on increasing trend. Looks vaccine will come soon. It has been almost one year since Covid-19 started. Lots of medicines are tested and their efficacy came to be known by all but no developed country had ever established decent care framework.  Looks like going forward, key for survival is in the hands of each individuals.