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民主主義の行方 Where Democracy is Going?


Where Democracy is Going?

米国の選挙が揺れている。US election is shaking. 

すべてはバイデン大統領確定ベースで動き始めている一方、共和党トランプ側は選挙に大掛かりな不正があったと主張し、裁判に持ち込むようだ。開票場での共和党の監視が拒否されたことも疑惑に油を注いだ。While all are going on the assumption of Biden's victory, republican Trump stressed the organized fraud during the election, then appealed to court. Denial of republicans to audit vote counting process on site, fueled the suspicion among republicans.

見ていて一つ気になったのは、ミシガン州の不自然な開票の動きだ。ツイッター上の情報だが、開票に伴い、票はトランプ、バイデン両方に分かれるため、時系列がジャンプしているところはトランプ、バイデンほぼ同時だ(下図)。One thing I noticed is the funny time transition of vote count in Michigan. Note that this is only a Twitter information but, as count went on, normally, count will split in between Trump and Biden in sync in timing. Means, if Biden's count jumps, we normally see jump in Trump's count as well(see below).

ところが、ミシガンでは10万票が終盤にバイデンだけに入っており、不自然には見える(下図)。開票終盤にはトランプが問題視していたため民主党支持者が多いと思われる郵便投票の開票が集中したため、バイデンが票がほとんどだったのかもしれない。不正のクレームの真偽は今後明らかにされるだろう。However, in Michigan, only Biden's count jumped for 100K count closer to the end of count process, that looks unnatural(see below). This may come from the fact that mail votes are counted in the end where most voters through mail were democrats since Trump has been claiming the vulnerability of mail voting. The true/false will be clear as investigation goes on from now. 


What world wants to see is the fair election done in US, as a representative of democracy. It was only hair's breadth election, hence the impact of fraud is devastating. If alleged terrible fraud really happed, but no action is taken, it is a crisis of democracy. Thorough investigations to reveal the facts are necessary to prove that democracy really works.