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赤の蜃気楼 Red Mirage


Red Mirage

朝起きたら、僅差だったラストベルトの州が軒並み青になっていた。I woke up in the morning and found all rustbelt states turned blue that were barely judged red by hair's breadth.   


開票はトランプ支持者が多い当日投票分が先に行われ、その後に、バイデン支持者が多い郵便投票分が行われたようだ。このため、当初はトランプが優勢に見え、あとで、バイデンが追い越したようだ。開票終盤、開票に伴うバイデンの得票が急激に伸び、トランプ側は疑心暗鬼でいっぱいだ。Vote counting was done for on-voting-day voters 1st with more Trump supporters, then for mail votes with more Biden supporters. This explains why Trump looks winning in the beginning, then Biden caught up and surpassed in the end.  Getting closer to the end of counting, Biden showed rapid gain, making Trump supporters full of suspicions. 

数万票の僅差が多く、最終決定までトラブルが予想される。Differences are only few tens of thousands hence lots of troubles are expected until final settlement.