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米国大統領選の行方 Where the US election goes?


Where the US election goes?

一体米国選挙はどうなってしまうのだろう。Where the US election is going? 

今日、ジュリアーニ、パウエルら、選挙不正を訴える弁護団が会見を行った。Today, Giuliani, Powell and others had press conference updating the status of federal lawsuit they filed on election fraud. 

プロ弁護士の、これはこれで、めちゃくちゃ強く説得力があるプレゼンだった。It was honestly a very strong persuasive presentation by professional attorney.

選挙結果はどうあれ、世界が見たいのは、民主主義の総本山である米国で、民主主義がちゃんと機能していることだ。Irrespective of the election result, what world wants to see is whether democracy is really functioning in the United States where democracy had started from. 

訴訟の結果を待とう。Let's wait for the result of the lawsuit.