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銀行は死なない Banks will not Die


Banks will not Die

DX、CBDCなどにより銀行の収益機会は減少し、すでにオワコン=消滅してしまうという意見が多い。Many say bank business will go extinct due to the shrinkage of profit by the impact of DX as well as CBDC. 

DXは支店閉鎖など、従業員にとっては災難となるだろう。しかし、銀行経営的な観点としては、業務の合理化が進むため、プラス要因だ。DX may be a challenge for employees due to closure of branches. However from bank management point, DX will only accelerate efficiency, hence provides positive impact. 

一方、CBDCの普及により、個人預金などの安価な資金調達が無くなり、インターバンクからの資金調達になるため、資金調達コストが増大するのは間違いない。Meanwhile, there is no doubt that fund procurement cost will increase as a result of missing cheap funding source such as consumer deposits, replaced by interbank fund procurement, by the spread of CBDC. 


However, such fund procurement cost increase 'will occur to all bank equally', transferred to the price increase of the lending interest rate, hence there will be minimal impact to the final profit. 

更に、MUFGの資料を見ても分かる通り、個人預金ビジネスは銀行の収益源の一部に過ぎない。Futhermore, as shown in the disclosure of MUFG below, consumer deposit taking business is only a part of whole profit source of the bank. 

信用リスクを取る、長短ギャップを取るビジネスは従来通り行える。Credit risk taking as well as gapping business are still valid as usual. 

また、デリバティブ、トレーディング、M&A、海外展開なども従来通り行える。Derivatives, trading, M&A, foreign expansion can be done as usual as well. 

以上より、DX、CBDCは、言われるほどには銀行の存続に影響は及ぼさない。In conclusion, DX and CBDC will not have big going concern over banks, contradicting to the general public view. 


