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業際、学際を目指せ! Aim for Interdisciplinary, Inter-Business!


 Aim Interdisciplinary, Inter-Business!

今、受験、就職を考えている人たちに言いたい。I want to say to students considering the entrance examination as well as starting career. 

業際、学際を目指そう!Aim for interdisciplinary, inter-business!

以前も書いたが、皆が集中する場所は先鋭化し、競争が激化する。As I wrote earlier, the more people concentrate, the more severe competition you have to go through. 

すると、競争に勝ち抜くために、必要以上の過剰なエネルギーを消費することになる。Then, to survive in the competition, you will end up exhausting energy more than necessary. 

次世代の発展は、常に既存の複数の分野の統合から生まれる。The developments of next generation always emerge from the combination of multiple fields of study as well as industries. 

一つの分野の頂点を目指すより、まだ着目されていない複数の分野にまたがる学問、仕事を探そう。Instead of aiming for the peak of the existing filed, aim for the unpopular field of study or career spanning over several fields of study or industries. 

そこは競争が少なく、発展の余地しかない、青天井の新天地だ!The fields has nothing but full of opportunities, hence is totally new domain with blue sky!

そこで十分に自己を成長させ、そこがコモディティーになった時点で、また新たな新天地を探そう!Develop yourself full there, then look for another new domain once the initial place becomes commodity.